Polot severa figures inside a for loopin

2022-10-08 Thread "Jorge Conrado Conforte"
HI, I already use the IDL to plot data. Inside a for looping I plot and save my data and kill the window using the wdelete IDL command for close the window automatically. Now I'm using the Python to rea several netcdf 2d data. I plot my data and save it. But, I don't know how can I kill the


2022-10-07 Thread "Jorge Conrado Conforte"
Hi, I installed GDAL using the pip command and conda. But, I did: import gdal and I had: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'gdal' I need gdal to remap some data. Please, help me Conrado -- https://mail.python.or

xarry netcdf message

2022-08-23 Thread Jorge Conrado Conforte Conforte
Hi, I'm reading my netcdf data air.2m.mon.ltm.nc. I used the netcdf4 and I didn't have message when i read my data. But if I use the xarray I had this message: /home/conrado/.conda/envs/meuambi/lib/python3.8/site-packages/xarray/backends/plugins.py:61: RuntimeWarning: Engine 'cfgrib' loading fail

How to create a RGB color Table

2019-06-17 Thread Jorge Conrado Conforte
HI, Please someone could help me. How can I create a new color table with the values of r g and b that I have. I use the Mataplolib color tables. However, I would like to use a new color table with the respective r g b values that I have. Thank you. [https://ipmcdn.avast.com/images/icons/icon