Re: pyWin build 216

2011-09-24 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! Me, because some bugs in 216, I come back to 214... (215 has another bugs). @-salutations -- MCi --

Re: Implicit initialization is EXCELLENT

2011-07-05 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! +1 @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: windows 7 create directory with read write execute permission for everybody

2011-06-26 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! +1 Gelonida confuses "Windows permissions" and "NTFS's rights". (too) Many Windows users are unfamiliar with Windows. @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: Python 2.7 and cmd on Windows 7 64 (files lost)

2011-06-23 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Re ! > This is because 32-bit processes (Python, 32-bit cmd) cannot see the > 64-bit DLLs in System32. Thanks. You are right... but it is not enought. This command: echo %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% give the statut: 32: x86 64: AMD64 and DIR C:\Windows\System32\SoundRecorder.exe is OK

Python 2.7 and cmd on Windows 7 64 (files lost)

2011-06-22 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! (sorry for my bad english...) On Win 7 64 bits: Command-Line CD \Python27 dir C:\Windows\System32\SoundRecorder.exe:==> OK Python.exe >>> import os >>> os.system("dir C:\\Windows\\System32\\SoundRecorder.exe") ==> Do not found the file !!! and os.system("cmd /k") then "dir

Re: Missing python27.dll on Win 7 64-bit

2011-06-20 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! In my Win è 64 bits, python27.dll (and others DLLs like pythoncom27.dll, pythoncomloader27.dll or pywintypes27.dll) are in C:\Windows\SysWOW64 And (my) Python 2.7.2 run perfectly. @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: PIL: The _imaging C module is not installed

2011-05-05 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Re! And why the problem no exist with PIL 1.1.6? (only 1.1.7) Is that the version 1.1.6 does not use these libraries? @+ -- Michel Claveau --

Re: PIL: The _imaging C module is not installed

2011-05-05 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! > you need to install the appropriate libraries, among which are: > libjpeg-devel > freetype-devel > libpng-devel OK, but where can I find it? I want use PIL with Python under Windows, and I can't compile C's sources. Should I replace PIL by ImageMagick? @-salutations -- Michel Claveau -

Re: ctypes and twain_32.dll

2011-05-02 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! On my system, thera are not "twain32.dll" or "twain_32.dll", but "twain.dll" @+ -- Michel Claveau --

Re: how to create a virtual printer

2011-03-28 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! On windows, install a "Generic" printer, on "FILE:" port. @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: Pickle compatibility between Python 2.7 and python 3.2

2011-02-22 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! I am, also, very interested in the answers. Thank you for asking this question. @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: Python 32-bit on Windows 64-bit

2011-02-11 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! Python 32 bits (& Pywin32) limits are: 2 GB on win.7_32 bits 4 GB on win.7_64 bits That's what I found in my tests. @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: Printing RTF file under win32

2011-01-21 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! Try this line: "C:\Program Files\Windows NT\Accessories\wordpad.exe" /p D:\data\fil.rtf (change the path if you have a windows 64 bits) @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: How do I get the URL of the active tab in Firefox/IE/Chrome?

2010-11-28 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hello! > The "InternetExplorer.Application" automation object doesn't contain > any way to manipulate tabs directly False. Try this example: import win32com.client for instance in win32com.client.Dispatch('{9BA05972-F6A8-11CF-A442-00A0C90A8F39}'): print instance," URL :",instance.Loc

Re: How to open html page in python resource file? ActiveX and Javascript addEventListener? Options

2010-11-21 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hello! You will find (positive) answers in PyWin32 and his examples. @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: How to display unicode char in Windows

2010-10-16 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! > "cp65001" isn't in Python's encoding tables. CP65001 is an alias for (partial) UTF-8 @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: How to display unicode char in Windows

2010-10-15 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! 1) the good syntax is: # -*- coding: latin-1 -*- print "**" oo = "ö" print "char=<%s>" % oo print "**" 2) in the console (commandLine), use this command: CHCP

Re: compile Py2.6 on SL

2010-09-17 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hello! SL (SilverLight) is a library/techno who give functions. You cannot compile Python on SL (SilverLight). @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: SendKeys and Python 2.7

2010-09-13 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Re! Sorry for time, but I am very busy... With Python + Pywin32, you can force the activation of a window (before send some keys...) See: win32gui.SetForegroundWindow(w_handle) or win32gui.SetActiveWindow(w_handle) For to find a windows (and his handle), see: win32gui.EnumWindows()

PIL : "The _imaging C module is not installed"

2010-09-13 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hello! (*** sorry for my bad english***) I have the message (title), but only with PIL 1.1.7 (Windows XP, Vista or 7 (32 bits or 64 bits)). I tried: _imaging.pyd exist in C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\PIL OK python -v >>> import Image OK sys.path contain C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\P

Re: SendKeys and Python 2.7

2010-09-09 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! Example for send ^V (with PyWin32): import time,win32api,win32con win32api.keybd_event(win32con.VK_CONTROL, 0, 0, 0) win32api.keybd_event(ord('V'), 0, win32con.KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY | 0, 0) time.sleep(0.05) win32api.keybd_event(ord('V'), 0, win32con.KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY | win32c

Re: Installing Python as Scripting Language in IIS

2010-08-31 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Re ! More details: C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\win32comext\axscript\Demos\client\ie\demo.htm @+ -- Michel Claveau --

Re: Installing Python as Scripting Language in IIS

2010-08-31 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! You must register Python as ActiveScripting's language. See : C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\win32comext\axscript @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: Python Editor or IDE ActiveX control

2010-08-26 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! Scintilla come like a "control" (a piece for a window), raleted to the file SciLexer.DLL For call the scintilla-componant, use "messages". Example : SendMessage(Sci, SCI_GOTOLINE, line, 0) For the constant SCI_GOTOLINE, I suggest, include in Pywin32. @-salutations -- Mich

Re: Detect string has non-ASCII chars without checking each char?

2010-08-22 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Re ! > Try your code with u"abcd\xa1" ... it says it's ASCII. Ah? in my computer, it say "False" @-salutations -- MCi --

Re: Detect string has non-ASCII chars without checking each char?

2010-08-22 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! Another way : # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import unicodedata def test_ascii(struni): strasc=unicodedata.normalize('NFD', struni).encode('ascii','replace') if len(struni)==len(strasc): return True else: return False print test_ascii(u"abcde") prin

Re: Iterative vs. Recursive coding

2010-08-20 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Salut ! C'est cela, la solitude du programmeur génial... @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: Access lotus notes using Python 2.5.1

2010-08-11 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! In several cases, Notes is not registred as COM server. Depending of installation. @-salutations -- MCi --

Problem PIL-1.1.7 & _imagingft

2010-06-24 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! With PIL-1.1.7.win32-py2.6 and Windows 7, I have this traceback: raise ImportError("The _imagingft C module is not installed") ImportError: The _imagingft C module is not installed I tested "import _imaging" and several other things, without success. If I re-install PIL-1.1.6 all run OK.

Re: Discover PyH

2010-05-19 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Bonsoir ! La démarche me semble intéressante. Je testerai le module quand j'aurai un peu de temps. @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: Upgrade Python 2.6.4 to 2.6.5

2010-05-12 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! If you are under Vista, or Windows 7, have you unactivate UAC, before the update? @+ MCI --

Re: Default if none

2010-04-29 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Re! Look also : >>> print False or None None >>> print None or False False -- MCI --

Re: Default if none

2010-04-29 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! > print x or y or z > If none of the potential values are considered boolean false But : a=None b=False c=None print a or b or c > None @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: DLLs loading in interpreter but not with direct run on Windows

2010-04-24 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! AMHA (IMO), it is PyQT4 who change the DLL loader... @+ -- MCI --

Re: Download Visual Studio Express 2008 now

2010-04-13 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! Thanks for this idea. Michel Claveau --

Re: subprocess only good for win32?

2010-04-01 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! > side-by-side configuration is incorrect Others have given you an explanation. A possibility: you use a DLL directly, without having installed. That is OK with some DLL, and no OK with others DLL. @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: bypass UAC control through python script (to be run from batchfile)

2010-03-11 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi ! Install a resident soff (script) by task-planified, in Administrator rights. Then, call this script from current work, for bypass UAC. @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: python shell crashing on paste

2010-02-23 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! Where (directory) are you, when the problem come? Have you try with UAC disabled? @+ -- MCI --

Re: What's Going on between Python and win7?

2010-02-23 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! > Symbolic links are available in NTFS starting with Windows Vista. No. Hardlink come with NTFS, and already exists in W2K (and NT with specifics utilities). @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: Dynamic HTML controls

2010-01-12 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! I had write PLUIE, for use DHTML as GUI: But it is not a good answer to your problem. Sorry. Nevertheless, there are several functions & methods for generate DHTML objects (and Python keep the control on each object. @+ -- Michel Claveau *** sorry fo

Re: Portable way to tell if a process is still alive

2009-12-30 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! For Windows, you can use the command-line tasklist Example: tasklist tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq iexplore.exe" tasklist /FI "PID eq 4044" /FO LIST The last line is for known PID. Prior for search by (exe's) name. Note than STATUS give if the process is RUNNING / NOT RESPONDING / etc

Re: Ironpython

2009-12-22 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! IronPython is an implementation of Python. IMO, this group talk about all Pythons. Therefore, for me, this group is OK. -- Michel Claveau --

Re: read text file byte by byte

2009-12-13 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! > If it's a binary file... OK, but... what is a "binary" file? @+ -- Michel Claveau --

Re: Connecting to Python COM server from Excel VBA does not work

2009-12-10 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi ! Warning with lower/uppercases! Try to make two versions of your methods (ex.: "add" & "ADD"), for study. @+ -- MCI --

Re: (pywin related) pywintypes.com_error: -2147417846 "Application busy"

2009-11-25 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! Your computer is too slow, for launch Excel. Configure the machine for more speed... @+ -- MCI --

Re: ANN: Urwid 0.9.9 - Console UI Library

2009-11-18 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! You forget to write "urwid" do not run under Windows. @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: ANN: Urwid 0.9.9 - Console UI Library

2009-11-18 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! You forget to write "urwid" do not run under Windows. @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: ANN: Urwid 0.9.9 - Console UI Library

2009-11-18 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! You forget to write "urwid" do not run under Windows. @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: how to close not response win32 IE com interface

2009-11-10 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! The only way I know is to use sendkeys. @+ Michel Claveau --

Re: virtualenv under Win7: easy_install fails in virtual environments

2009-10-26 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! Try to unactive UAC... @+ -- Michel Claveau --

Re: web sound recording with python

2009-10-09 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! On windows, you can record sound who play on the local sound-card. It is not really Python scripting, but Python can launch it. @+ -- Michel Claveau --

Re: arrays in python

2009-09-23 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! See: (section 5) @+ -- MCI --

Re: Redirect output on script

2009-09-17 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! import os os.system('cmd /c type L:\\source.fic >L:\\destination.txt') @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: Looking for a pure Python chart drawing module

2009-09-16 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! > Tkinter is part of the Python standard library Yes. But... tkinter is a wrapper to tcl/tk, who is written in tcl. Ok, tcl is given with Python (standard library). Therefore, you sentence: 'Are you really ruling out its use for a "pure Python" solution?' Is well done... ;-) Michel Claveau

Re: Looking for a pure Python chart drawing module

2009-09-16 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! Perso I use a wrapper to RMCHART. There are two versions : DLL & COM. I prefer COM. Warning : only on Windows's family. @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: Does python 3.1 support sybase module?

2009-09-09 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi, What is this final comma? @+ -- MCI --

Re: Support for Windows 7 ?

2009-09-06 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Bonjour ! Plusieurs points : - Python (ainsi que Pywin32) fonctionne TRÈS bien sous Windows-7 (je l'utilise depuis plus d'un an, sur Win-7 beta, RC, RTM, en 32 bits et en 64 bits). Résultats : AUCUN problème. - Il existe des sources françaises (newsgroups, sites, forums, etc.) qui peuvent

Re: Learning Python advanced features

2009-08-30 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Bonsoir ! Tu aurais peut-être dû répondre en anglais (pour certains, "advanced features", c'est mieux que "concepts sophistiqués"). @+ MCI --

Re: difference between 2 arrays

2009-08-20 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
(envoyé via news:\\\comp.lang.python) Hi! Yes, the module sets is written, in doc, like "deprecated". But: - sets exist in Python 2.6 (& 2.5 or 2.4) - documentation of sets (module) is better tha, documentation of set (builtin) The best: read the documentaion of the module

Re: difference between 2 arrays

2009-08-19 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Re ! Juste pour signaler qu'il existe un newsgroup en français sur Python, qui permet de recevoir des réponses en français (donc plus complètes/détaillées). @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: difference between 2 arrays

2009-08-19 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
(envoyé via news:\\\comp.lang.python) Hi! See the module "sets" @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: Python- javascript

2009-08-17 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! If you are under Windows, you can drive IE, for indirect drive the web-pages. In this case, you can then interact with pages & the javascript's scripts included. For more, see Pywin32, Pamie, Pxie, etc. @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: Python or ActionScript 3.0

2009-08-15 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! > Python doesn't run in your typical web browser Yes, Python can do it... on Windows. Two (examples) ways: - ActiveScripting (PythonScript), include in PyWin32 - Gestalt (who mix Python, Ruby & Javascript, via Silverlight) And alse, these two solutions run OK in HTA (HTml Application) fo

Re: Windows 7 : any problems installing or running Python ?

2009-08-08 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! I use, all days, Python 2.6 + Pywin32 on Win-7-64 bits. Without problem (I confirm : pywin 32 on 64 bits). @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: os.path.exists() and Samba shares

2009-08-01 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! > SAMBA is a Linux implementation of the SMB protocol, natively supported on > Windows. Right. But, with Vista or Seven, only recents releases of Samba are supported. And, Samba know only NTLM release 2 (in register: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa value LMCompatibilityLevel

Re: Does python have the capability for driver development ?

2009-07-30 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! > Python is interpreted No. Python is compiled (--> .pyc) But the term "to compile" is not always unambiguous... And the notion of "compiler" is not attached to Python (the language), but is attached to the implementation. @+ MCI --

Re: Running a script from a windows right click menu..?

2009-06-28 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Bonsoir ! Un exemple là: @-salutations -- MCI --

Re: is there python image lib that does imagemagick?

2009-06-08 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! On Windows, you can drive (manage?) ImageMagick from Python, via COM. See: @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: python way to automate IE8's File Download dialog

2009-06-05 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! Suppose that the (web) site give the file only after several seconds, and after the user click a confirm (example: RapidFile). Suppose that the (web) site give the file only after the user input a code, controled by a javascript script. @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: "The application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect"

2009-01-27 Thread M�ta-MCI (MVP)
Hi! I have a similar problem, with Python 2.6.1 and pywin32. Since python 2.6.1. Return to 2.6: OK ; re-install 2.6.1: the problem return. No solution to this day. The problem is known, but not resolved In the expectation, I stay in 2.6 @-salutations -- Michel Claveau -- http://mail.python.o

Re: Executing WinXP commands using os module

2009-01-23 Thread M�ta-MCI (MVP)
Hi! Try: os.system("""start "" cmd /css checkout $\projectName\file -Yusername,password -c'Test comment' """) (not tested ; it's directly from my memory) @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: Windows Tablet RealTimeStylus in Python

2009-01-17 Thread M�ta-MCI (MVP)
Hi! I use Internet-Explorer like (as?) GUI. Then, I insert Active-X components (from Tablet-PC, native or SDK). Another solution: create a .HTA, and use PythonScript (version "ActiveScripting" of Python, who become with pyWin32). @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: Free Download - Microsoft Windows 7 Beta

2009-01-09 Thread M�ta-MCI (MVP)
Hi! I downloaded W7 two days ago, directly on MSDN (Microsoft), and not on a bizarre, unknown site, and doubtful. Python 2.6 run OK. But the problem (well known) with Python 2.6.1 is always present. @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: When does python 3.1, 3.2 ve rsion out?

2009-01-08 Thread MVP
Hi! The mountain Python-3000 gave birth to a mouse Python-3. You must waiting for Python-4000... @+ MCI --

Re: python is great

2009-01-06 Thread M�ta-MCI (MVP)
python is great. No. Python is VERY GREAT !!! --

Re: multiply each element of a list by a number

2008-12-27 Thread MVP
Hi! map(multby3, (1, 2, 3, )) ...with lambda: map(lambda x: x*3, [1,2,3]) @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: join a samba domain

2008-12-22 Thread M�ta-MCI (MVP)
Hi! If you are under Vista, you must change the LSA parameter. See: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa LMCompatibilityLevel try with value 1 or 0 And use a Samba not too old. @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: check whether a JPG is completed?

2008-12-20 Thread M�ta-MCI (MVP)
Hi! Sometimes, PIL give an error. With "try: Except:", you can get info. Sometimes, non error, but the Jpeg is not correct. Difficult, in this case, to get info. Therefore, the answer is: "not in all cases". @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: PIL on 3.x?

2008-12-20 Thread M�ta-MCI (MVP)
Hi! Fredrik Lundh (Pythonware ; the author of PIL (and ElementTree, and many other things)) had, in the past, often give answers. To me, like to others people. @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: PIL on 3.x?

2008-12-19 Thread M�ta-MCI (MVP)
Hi! This info is interesting for many people. IMO, it's a good idea to write the question in this newsgroup. @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: pymssql for python 2.6 ?

2008-12-19 Thread M�ta-MCI (MVP)
Hi! Look at That run OK with Python 2.6 @-salutations -- MCI --

Re: ActivePython and released!

2008-12-12 Thread M�ta-MCI (MVP)
Hi! M. Hammond said (wrote) said that the work is enormous, because modifications of the C architecture of Python 3 was largely modified. (sorry for my bad english) -- Michel Claveau --

Re: Multiple Versions of Python on Windows XP

2008-12-02 Thread MVP
Hi! Multiple versions of Python is possible (example: Python standard + Python by OOo). But, multiple versions of Python+PyWin32 is not possible. Suggestion: use VirtualBox or Virtual-PC. @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: Finding Default Page Name using urllib2

2008-10-27 Thread M�ta-MCI (MVP)
Hi! Can I do this in python? No. The "default page" is a property of the web-server ; and it is not client side. Examples : for Apache, it's index.html or index.htm ; but if PHP is installed, index.php is also possible. for APS, it's init.htm (between others possibilites). etc. @-s

Re: [ANN] Data Plotting Library DISLIN 9.4

2008-10-17 Thread M�ta-MCI (MVP)
Merci beaucoup. Thanks. --

Re: [ANN] Data Plotting Library DISLIN 9.4

2008-10-15 Thread M�ta-MCI (MVP)
Hello! version 9.4 of DISLIN Thanks! I like Dislin. But... I don't found the release (binary/win) for Python 2.6... -- Michel Claveau --

Re: self signing a py2exe windows executable

2008-10-04 Thread M�ta-MCI (MVP)
Hi! Very interesting. Roger, thank you very much super enormous!!! @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: python & sms

2008-09-30 Thread M�ta-MCI (MVP)
Hi! You can manage Skype from Python('s scripts), for use the functionalities of Skype to send SMS. @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: how to search multiple textfiles ? (Python is slow ?)

2008-09-27 Thread M�ta-MCI (MVP)
Hi ! Thanks for return. Some infos: from a long time, I found that it's often more fast to use windows's command, instead of develop in high level language (and also, low level...) FINDSTR is fast. OK. But internal commands are more fast. Example : DIR (with all his options) And it's faste

Re: how to search multiple textfiles ?

2008-09-26 Thread M�ta-MCI (MVP)
Hi! On Windows, you can use the (standard) command findstr Example: findstr /n /s /I strsearched *.py @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: Not fully OO ?

2008-09-21 Thread M�ta-MCI (MVP)
Bonjour ! AMHA, ceux qui ont écrit ce texte ont une mauvaise idée de ce que sont les variables en Python. Ils ont sans doute trop en tête les notions des variables en C ou en Basic, et ne se sont pas penchés sur les spécificités de Python. @-salutations -- Michel Claveau -- http://mail

Re: Not fully OO ?

2008-09-21 Thread MVP
Hi! Everything ... are an object. It's true ; but a language built around the objects, and OOP, are two different concepts. @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: compare unicode to non-unicode strings

2008-08-31 Thread MVP
Par Toutatis ! Si tu avais posé la question à Ordralphabétix, ou sur un des ng français consacrés à Python, au lieu de refaire "La grande Traversée", la réponse aurait peut-être été plus rapide. @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: Launch an application and continue the script's execution

2008-08-23 Thread M�ta-MCI (MVP)
Hi! More easy: os.system('cmd /c c:\\temp.bat') @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: Launch an application and continue the script's execution

2008-08-23 Thread M�ta-MCI (MVP)
Hi ! Replace: os.startfile("launch_trace.bat") by os.startfile('start "" cmd /c launch_trace.bat') and "le tour est joué". @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: running exe file

2008-08-21 Thread M�ta-MCI (MVP)
Hi! See: system( startfile( subprocess( spawn( etc. @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: mmap and ctypes

2008-08-17 Thread M�ta-MCI (MVP)
Hi! See here: @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: Python COM

2008-07-29 Thread M�ta-MCI (MVP)
Hi! Example, with Pywin32: import win32com.client moncom = win32com.client.Dispatch('MyCOM1.AdvMethod') moncom.IAdvMethod(... See Pywin32 here: @-salutations Michel Claveau --

Re: pythoncom InternetExplorer.Application don't work in vista || firefox pythoncom ?

2008-07-06 Thread M�ta-MCI (MVP)
H... I have a similary problem, in another circumstances. It's often a problem of configuration of IE (for news customers). But, it is not easy, because IE has many parameters. Good luck! Michel Claveau --

Re: Python with Ecmascript

2008-07-05 Thread M�ta-MCI (MVP)
Hi! Is there a way to do similar things on linux? I think no. Because these tech use COM. And COM don't exist under xxnux. But: - look if XPCOM, or dBus) can help you - search with the word "MOZLAB", who work a solution (plugin) for drive Firefox, from an external software. Good luck! --

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