---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Mark Bass <markbass...@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 31 May 2023 at 08:09
Subject: Problems Installing and getting started.
To: <python-list@python.org>

Good morning,

I installed python several hours ago (from python.org), I then installed
the IDE PyCharm. I'm using AI to help with a project that requires
statistical analysis.
I cannot open python, when I double clicked a "Modify Setup" window
appeared with the three options Modify, Repair and Uninstall to click. I
assumed this was part of the final installation process and clicked Modify
- it seemed to be successful. I still could not open python. I asked the AI
and it suggested to click Repair, this still made no difference. I finally
Uninstalled it, shut down my laptop, had a coffee then re-installed it but
the same problem occurred.
Can you help ? Any suggestions?
I'm really pleased with the AI so far  and looking forward to using Python
to get my project started.
Best Regards.....Mark

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