
Very new to python, so a noob question.  When I've written stuff in 
JavaScript or MEL in the past, I've always adopted the variable naming 
convention of using a $ as the first character (no, I don't use perl, 
never have).  Not possible in python.  What are some good options that 
people commonly use so that they can easily and quickly identify 
variable with just a glance?  When I was writing stuff in SoftImage 
XSI/JScript, many of the examples in the SDK used just a leading lower 
case o, but I'd like somethign that's more visible.  I'm not a super 
advanced user and am just starting out in python (pretty much just 
working my way through Learning Python, at around page 160 or so).  
Seems like an _extremely_ elegent language that is very easy to read, so 
I suppose it's not really as much of an issue as it is with other 
languages.  Still, I would like to see what other people do and what are 
some good ideas for this kind of thing.

Thank you for any and all ideas.




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