Re: Code generator and visitor pattern

2010-07-15 Thread Matt McCredie
Karsten Wutzke kwutzke at writes: So, what is the de facto method in Python to handle source code generation? Take a look at the NodeVisitor class in the ast module in python 2.6+. The visitor pattern is implemented in the python standard library. Matt --

Re: Namespace problem?

2010-07-01 Thread Matt McCredie
Josh English joshua.r.english at writes: I have a script that generates a report from a bunch of data I've been collecting for the past year. I ran the script, successfully, for several weeks on test runs and creating more detailed reports. Today (back from vacation) and the

Re: hex question

2010-06-25 Thread Matt McCredie
Sneaky Wombat joe.hrbek at writes: Why is python turning \x0a into a \n ? In [120]: h='\x0a\xa8\x19\x0b' In [121]: h Out[121]: '\n\xa8\x19\x0b' I don't want this to happen, can I prevent it? 'h' is an ascii string. The ascii encoding for '\n' is the number(byte) 0x0A.

Re: Traversing through variable-sized lists

2010-02-17 Thread Matt McCredie
I've tried the following workaround, but it often gives me inaccurate results (due to integer division), so I had to add a safety check: num_frames = 32 values = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] offset_step = num_frames / len(values) for index in xrange(0, num_frames): offset = index /

Re: string to list when the contents is a list

2010-02-17 Thread Matt McCredie
ValueError('malformed string') return list(map(_convert, node.elts)) Matt McCredie --

Re: switch

2009-12-09 Thread Matt McCredie
hong zhang henryzhang62 at writes: List, Python does not have switch statement. Any other option does similar work? Thanks for help. --henry I see a couple of people have mentioned using a dictionary. If the value that you are switching on is a string, or could be

Re: import from a string

2009-11-03 Thread Matt McCredie
iu2 israelu at writes: Hi, Having a file called, I would like to read it into a string, and then import from that string. That is instead of importing from the fie system, I wonder if it's possible to eval the text in the string and treat it as a module. For

Re: Read any function in runtime

2009-10-26 Thread Matt McCredie
Rhodri James rhodri at writes: On Fri, 23 Oct 2009 17:39:40 +0100, Matt McCredie mccredie at wrote: joao abrantes senhor.abrantes at writes: Hey. I want to make a program like this:print Complete the function f(x)=then the user would

Re: Read any function in runtime

2009-10-23 Thread Matt McCredie
:+statement in {} print f(2) print f(4) print f(6) Matt McCredie --

Re: Windows file paths, again

2009-10-22 Thread Matt McCredie
literal written inside of a python script and a string read from a file. When reading from a file (or the registry) what you see is what you get. There is no need to do so much work. Matt McCredie --

[issue3370] importing with_statement causes exec to raise syntax error on block that doesn't end with a newline

2008-07-15 Thread Matt McCredie
New submission from Matt McCredie [EMAIL PROTECTED]: The following session demonstrates the issue: Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Apr 18 2007, 08:51:08) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)] on win32 Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information. exec def foo():\nreturn 0 # no ending

Re: Insert image to a List box

2007-11-16 Thread Matt McCredie
On Nov 15, 2007 2:15 PM, linda. s [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On 11/15/07, Matimus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Nov 15, 12:45 pm, linda.s [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I run the following code and got the error (I put a .gif file on the desktop) Traceback (most recent call last): File

Re: Insert image to a List box

2007-11-16 Thread Matt McCredie
Thanks a lot for your patience. I put the gif file to a folder called fig in my desktop. dirpath = './fig' still got error: Traceback (most recent call last): File, line 238, in module img.config(image=gifsdict[imgname]) NameError: name 'imgname' is not defined You should

Re: Assertion for python scripts

2007-11-02 Thread Matt McCredie
On 11/2/07, matthias [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Howdy ! I started using the assert() stmt and found it quite useful :-) I have only one problem: I don't know how to turn them off again. I know that -O turns off assertions in general. However, how do I pass thus parameter to python to an

Re: Going past the float size limits?

2007-10-26 Thread Matt McCredie
It would be great if I could make a number that can go beyond current size limitations. Is there any sort of external library that can have infinitely huge numbers? Way way way way beyond say 5x10^350 or whatever it is? I'm hitting that inf boundary rather fast and I can't seem to work

Re: Control Log File Size

2007-10-19 Thread Matt McCredie
I've got an application running on linux which writes log files using the python logging module. I'm looking for some help and advice to cap the size which the file will grow too, something reasonably like 2Mb would be great. What is the best way to handle this kind of thing? Can this be

Re: __main__ : What is this?

2007-10-19 Thread Matt McCredie
En Fri, 19 Oct 2007 21:26:22 -0300, Matimus [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió: The common pattern: if __name__ == __main__: # do stuff IMHO better written: if __main__ == __name__: # do stuff I'm intrigued why do you feel the second alternative is better. Which is your native

Re: Newbi Q: What is a rational for strings not being lists in Python?

2007-10-15 Thread Matt McCredie
On 10/15/07, Dmitri O.Kondratiev [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: To clarify my point: reverse() is a lucky one - Python has variants of *this particular* function both for lists and strings. Yet what about other list functions? How in general, can I write a function that works both on list and

Re: Moving objects in Tkinter

2007-10-12 Thread Matt McCredie
On 10/12/07, Evjen Halverson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I have tried to make a Tkinter program make a rectangle move down the window, but did not succeed. All it does is make a rectangle trail. What am I doing wrong? from Tkinter import* root = Tk() RectangleColor='orange'

Re: I could use some help making this Python code run faster using only Python code.

2007-09-23 Thread Matt McCredie
Yes, Digital Mars D is what I was referring to and yes I know D is not as efficient as C++. If I knew of a good C++ compiler that is not from Microsoft that works natively with Windows I would be happy to consider using it. I've had good luck with MinGW (gcc compiled for windows).

Re: I could use some help making this Python code run faster using only Python code.

2007-09-21 Thread Matt McCredie
Now I think I will code this little scrambler using nothing but the D Language just to see whether there is any benefit in using D over Python for this sort of problem. Isn't D compiled to machine code? I would expect it to win hands down. That is, unless it is horribly unoptimized. Matt --

Re: I could use some help making this Python code run faster using only Python code.

2007-09-21 Thread Matt McCredie
It would be nice if Python could be made to automatically detect the LC and string translation patterns used by the unoptimized Python code and make them into optimized Python code on the fly at runtime. I am more than a little amazed nobody has chosen to build a JIT (Just In- Time compiler)

Re: re question

2007-09-20 Thread Matt McCredie
On 9/19/07, Dan Bar Dov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I'm trying to construct a regular expression to match valid IP address, without leading zeroes (i.e,, but not 324.1.1.1, nor This is what I come up with, and it does not work.

Re: re question

2007-09-20 Thread Matt McCredie
On 9/20/07, Ricardo Aráoz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Dan Bar Dov wrote: I'm trying to construct a regular expression to match valid IP address, without leading zeroes (i.e,, but not 324.1.1.1, nor This

Re: I could use some help making this Python code run faster using only Python code.

2007-09-20 Thread Matt McCredie
On 9/20/07, Python Maniac [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I am new to Python however I would like some feedback from those who know more about Python than I do at this time. Well, you could save some time by not applying the scramble one line at a time (that is if you don't mind losing the line

Re: Using python to create windows apps that everyone can use?

2007-09-18 Thread Matt McCredie
On 9/18/07, Thomas Harding [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi guys, sorry to post another topic on this, as I am aware that it has already been posted a few times, but not with specifically what I am looking for. I want an app that makes a gui interface for python (similar to Microsoft visual studio

Re: help - error when trying to call super class method

2007-09-09 Thread Matt McCredie
I am trying to extend list class to build a stack class -- see code below--- but I got an error when I try to call len method from list class here.. why? Thanks in advance! Jeff did a good job of answering your questions. I just wanted to note that your pop is broken, but that doesn't matter

Re: Registering a python function in C

2007-09-04 Thread Matt McCredie
Is Maya a different python build than what is contained at If so, I suggest you get your C program to work with the latest python build from Then see if you can get it to work with the Maya version. Ok, did that. If I write a normal C++ program and use the

Re: So what exactly is a complex number?

2007-08-31 Thread Matt McCredie
So what exactly is a complex number? It is a math construct, and has almost nothing to do with Python, other than the fact that Python has a data type for them. So, here is a list of better ways to get information about complex numbers than asking python-list: 1. Google it:

Re: the del function

2007-08-27 Thread Matt McCredie
For some odd reason the del array[ray] isn't actually deleting the array item in the list I get the following output: C:\Documents and Settings\program\Desktop\python\ [2, 2, 2, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3] [2, 2, 2, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3] [2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3] [2,

Re: C:\test.jpg) is this wrong ?

2007-08-27 Thread Matt McCredie\test.jpg) # this is what I have right now. And it can't find the file or directory. The file is there (it is everywhere on my computer now!!!) I found some code where they apply the file path to a variable in single quotes. Is that how it is done. Also I thought single quotes

Re: an eval()-like exec()

2007-08-27 Thread Matt McCredie
A python interactive interpreter works by having the user type in some code, compiling and running that code, then printing the results. For printing, the results are turned into strings. I would like make an interpreter which does this, without the last part: i.e. where the results are

Re: I can't get value of entry box, Tinker

2007-08-24 Thread Matt McCredie
What/should I, can I do? Fix your code? def login(): global e2,e1 print e2.get() print e1.get() That should work. Matt --

Re: Problem w/ Tkinter

2007-08-24 Thread Matt McCredie
text=Action?,command=self.V(a,b,c,d)).pack(anchor=W) doesn't even do anything, what can I do to fix this problem? I see many mistakes. First: `command=self.V(a,b,c,d)' is actually calling self.V. You don't want to call self.V, which will assing `command' to the return value, you want to pass

Re: Problem w/ Tkinter

2007-08-24 Thread Matt McCredie
On 8/24/07, Lamonte Harris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: How to fix my code, wth that doesn't help solve anything really.the Tkinter tutorial doesn't even explain radio buttons correctly, let alone, everything else. gah. can you give a answer that I can work from. You asked, what can I do to fix

Re: porting vc++ project to python?

2007-08-22 Thread Matt McCredie
i have a very large project in visual studio2005-visual c++ in windowsxp. i'd like to port it, or my next project, over to python. is this possible without rewriting all my code? are there multiple options to do this? my project is so large, that entirely rewriting it is actually no option.

Re: What Are These Import/From Statements about?

2007-08-22 Thread Matt McCredie
While that's an interesting link, I was thinking of the named items like: Numeric, (this one I know about.) Image ImageChops ImageTk time binascii tkMessageBox tkSimpleDialog The `image' ones are all part of PIL (Python Imaging Library) which is a third party module

Re: Learning Python using a book based on version 1.5

2007-08-22 Thread Matt McCredie
A friend of mine dropped off a copy of Sams Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours published in 2000. I skimmed the first couple of chapters looking for the interpreter version and the book was based on version Python version 1.5. Is this book still relevant? Should I toss it and look for

Re: how to convert a c program to java program

2007-08-17 Thread Matt McCredie
I heard I need to port C program to JPython first and compile it to native JAVA. I don't know anything about JPython. Is there a tool to do the porting? If not, what is the quickest way to learn JPython? I'm assuming that you are refering to Jython. You probably want to start by learning

Re: threads, mutual exclusion, and lists

2007-08-16 Thread Matt McCredie
Why do you think they are not? Because they aren't. You even mentioned that a few operations that aren't atomic. If operations are atomic it isn't necessarily because of the design of the list, but the design of CPython. More specifically the GIL. I don't mean to imply that you can't get a

Re: threads, mutual exclusion, and lists

2007-08-15 Thread Matt McCredie
My question is -- are python list operations atomic? If they are not, then I assume I need to put some mutual exclusion around the append() and pop() calls ? They are not, but there is one included in the standard library: Matt --

Re: try/finally exceptions dying

2007-08-14 Thread Matt McCredie
I thought finally always propagated the exception all the way up the stack until it was handled. Finally will propagate the exception up, unless another exception occurs within the finally block. Since there is not (yet: exception chaining in Python,

AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'HTTPSHandler'

2007-08-13 Thread Matt McCredie
I am using Fedora Core 4 linux. Where should I look for _ssl.pyd ? I am trying to build and use Python-2.5.1 I don't have access to that type of system. I do know that you need OpenSSL to use ssl. It might be as simple as just finding and installing OpenSSL for fedora. You can also find the

Fwd: AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'HTTPSHandler'

2007-08-10 Thread Matt McCredie
I built and installed python 2.5 from source and when I do this: opener = urllib2.build_opener(SmartRedirectHandler(), DefaultErrorHandler(), urllib2.HTTPSHandler()) I get this error. AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'HTTPSHandler' What should I do? You need `_ssl.pyd'

Re: pylint style convention

2007-07-23 Thread Matt McCredie
Which style convention is it referring to? Should these really be all caps? I think pylint is expecting that any variables declared outside of a function should be constants with special meanings (similar to #define or enum values in c). So, I guess to get rid of that message you should do

Re: Images in Tkinter

2007-07-20 Thread Matt McCredie
That code doesn't tell me anything. You are going to have to post a more complete example to get help. Like, enough code so that I can run it and see the same problem. Also, I tried creating the image object outside class but it gives a runtime error saying it is too early to create an image

Re: How to check if an item exist in a nested list

2007-07-19 Thread Matt McCredie
Is there any way to check if an item in specific location in a multiple dimension nested exist? For example something like: if M_list[line][row][d] exist: do_something_0 else: do_something_1 Certainly: code try: M_list[line][row][d] except IndexError: do_something_1 else:

Re: class C: vs class C(object):

2007-07-19 Thread Matt McCredie
How about broke instead of deprecated: class Old: ... def __init__(self): ... self._value = 'broke' ... value = property(lambda self: self._value) ... How is this broken? Properties are not supported for old-style classes. They may not support features introduced in new-style

Re: Efficiently removing duplicate rows from a 2-dimensional Numeric array

2007-07-19 Thread Matt McCredie
Could you use a set of tuples? set([(1,2),(1,3),(1,2),(2,3)]) set([(1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3)]) Matt On 7/19/07, Alex Mont [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I have a 2-dimensional Numeric array with the shape (2,N) and I want to remove all duplicate rows from the array. For example if I start out

Re: Break up list into groups

2007-07-17 Thread Matt McCredie
That certainly is fast, unfortunately it doesn't pass all of the tests. I came up with those tests so I don't know how important they are to the original poster. I modified it and came up with a generator and a non-generator version based (roughly) on your algorithm, that are almost as quick, and