On 09/04/2018 10:21 AM, alon.naj...@gmail.com wrote:
> Hi ,
> for example:
> I want to know if AAPL is more than value 300 and if it does I want it to
> send to me mail with gmail :) . thanks for the help..
Yes it's definitely possible! Hop on Google and do some searches;
you're bound to find
On 08/20/2018 06:07 AM, Νίκος wrote:
> Iam trying to access the bottle web framework running on my VPS as
> http://superhost.gr:8080/hello
> i get connection refused
> The weird thing is that in my vps command line my hello app is in state of
> listening
> [root@superhost public_html]# p
On 07/30/2018 11:04 AM, Akkana Peck wrote:
> Yes, this is the future, since it lets you use both GTK3 and Python3.
Unfortunately the automatically-generated bindings, while fast and
complete, are not quite as pythonic as the old PyGTK bindings were. The
abstraction layer pygobject provides leaks
On 07/23/2018 01:00 AM, Lyra wrote:
> Hello,
> I’ve just started to learn Python coding, and downloaded version 3.7.0 from
> the website. I’ve written 5 or 6 small programs and saved them, but whenever
> I try to run them, Python doesn’t work right. The user answers the first
> question and pr
On 07/11/2018 08:09 AM, jkn wrote:
> So I am looking for confirmation of this, and/or whether there is any way of
> running a Tkinter application in 'console' mode, running a main loop and>
> both outputting data and accepting, and acting on, key presses.
So far as I know, no this isn't possible,
On 07/05/2018 11:47 AM, Calvin Spealman wrote:
> That wasn't me, but I do agree with the sentiment in that its often silly
> to focus on them at the wrong time and without constraints that warrant
> that focus.
Premature optimization is the root of all evil, the saying goes. I see
this kind of th
On 06/30/2018 11:10 AM, Elliott Roper wrote:
> I should have mentioned that none of this went wrong in 3.6. All I'm after
> are packages I can install with pip3. I really don't need to go down all the
> twisty passages installing Fortran
That's because there were likely binary packages available
On 06/20/2018 03:35 AM, bart4...@gmail.com wrote:
> Pointers are merely an extra level of indirection; they can be made to fit.
I'm hard pressed to think of any way in which pointers could fit into
Python given the way python variables work and given the virtual machien
architecture and abstractio
On 06/20/2018 05:53 AM, bart4...@gmail.com wrote:
> I suggest that such features just make life a little simpler. (And
> make writing an efficient interpreter a little bit easier.)
And I posit that most efficient interpreters don't use switch/case at
all, but rather jump tables.
On 06/15/2018 09:28 AM, T Berger wrote:
> I'm suspecting that posting to python google groups (this site) gets
> more responses than mailing to the python list. Am I correct? Also,
> contrary to what I read on the python list information sheet, what
> shows up in this forum does not match what come
On 06/12/2018 08:48 AM, T Berger wrote:
> I deleted them a number of time, then got a bar across the page indicating
> that a post had been deleted. It's nuts that you can't edit your own post.
This "forum" is actually a mailing list mirrored to Usenet, so whatever
you post gets instantly emailed
On 05/24/2018 08:20 AM, Grant Edwards wrote:
> But you had to jump through hoops with procmail and server/client side
> filtering to get there.
True, but it takes maybe 30 seconds for each new list I sign up for, and
then it's out of sight, out of mind. I already do a ton of filtering on
my inbox
On 05/24/2018 07:01 AM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> On Thu, 24 May 2018 05:44:26 -0600, Michael Torrie wrote:
>> I agree web forums really suck for any kind of multi-user conversation.
> Oh good. Because the Python core-devs are talking about moving to
> Github's
On 05/24/2018 07:10 AM, Chris Green wrote:
> A *thread* yes, but not a whole list. I.e. if you read this using
> mail/IMAP you can mark a thread read but you can't mark *all* Python
> list messages read in one go can you? With tin/Usenet I look at
> the list of new subjects in the Python group
Comparing to IMAP and Thunderbird:
On 05/23/2018 04:39 PM, Chris Green wrote:
> Well from other comments here it seems I'm not alone but anyway:-
> Proper threading etc. is built in
> It's automatically archived and one can search back through
> threads for old postings,
On 05/23/2018 12:03 PM, Grant Edwards wrote:
> Yes. NNTP and NNTP clients were designed from the ground up to deal
> with ongoing discussions shared by large groups of people posting lots
> of messages, and they're _very_ good at.
> Email was designed for one person sending one message to anoth
On 05/18/2018 06:25 AM, Paul Moore wrote:
> There are two completely independent cultures here. In "Corporate"
> cultures like where I work (where IT and business functions interact a
> lot, and business users typically use tools like Outlook) top-posting
> is common, conventional, and frankly, eff
On 04/18/2018 07:16 PM, simona bellavista wrote:
> I have a code fortran 90 that is parallelised with MPI. I would like to
> traslate it in python, but I am not sure on the parallelisation strategy and
> libraries. I work on clusters, with each node with 5GB memory and 12
> processors or 24 proc
On 04/21/2018 11:43 AM, jed...@gmail.com wrote:
> I currently have python version 3.6.1 32 bit version on my laptop and when i
> try to repair, it gives an error saying "The installer has encountered an
> unexpected error installing this package. This may indicate a problem with
> this package.
On Mar 31, 2018 09:58, "Etienne Robillard" wrote:
Le 2018-03-31 à 11:40, Michael Torrie a écrit :
> On 03/31/2018 08:58 AM, Etienne Robillard wrote:
>> I was just wondering, could the fact that the Python community is
>> willing to discontinue using and develop
On 03/31/2018 08:58 AM, Etienne Robillard wrote:
> I was just wondering, could the fact that the Python community is
> willing to discontinue using and developing Python 2 softwares, does
> that mean we are stopping to support standard computers and laptops
> as well?
I've tried several times bu
On 03/28/2018 11:24 PM, Rishika Sen wrote:
> I tried these options too as suggested by Paul...
h.Execute ("run('H:\\rishika\\MATLAB\\filewrite.m')")
> '??? Error using run (line 41)\nH:\\rishika\\MATLAB\\filewrite.m not
> found.\n\n'
Crazy question, but you're sure of that path?
On 03/26/2018 09:37 AM, Ganesh Pal wrote:
> Hi Team,
> Just a quick suggestion, on string formatting with .format() which of the
> below is better , given both give the same result .
No they don't. Look more closely at the output.
attempts = 1
msg2 = "Hello"
print "Retry attempt
On 03/27/2018 08:17 AM, Ganesh Pal wrote:
> Hello Python friends,
> How do I split the below regex , so that it fits within the character
> limit of 79 words
> pattern = [
> r'(?P([0-9a-fA-F]+:[0-9a-fA-F]+:[0-9a-fA-F]+:[0-9a-fA-F]+:[0-9a-fA-F]+::HEAD))',
> r'(?P(owner:\s+[0-9a-fA-F]+:
On 03/25/2018 10:15 AM, joseph pareti wrote:
> The following may give a clue because of inconsistent python versions:
> [joepareti54@xxx ~]$ python -V
> Python 3.5.2 :: Anaconda 4.3.0 (64-bit)
What does 'which python' return? As Joseph said, hopefully you didn't
overwrite /usr/bin/python with
On 03/03/2018 09:02 AM, ooom...@gmail.com wrote:
> I can assure you that RAII does what it says on the tin and is relied on in
> many critical systems to release resources robustly ... given the
> pre-requisite deterministic destruction.
Sure but did you read what Paul Moore wrote? He said RAI
On 03/02/2018 04:15 PM, jlada...@itu.edu wrote:
> Python's standard library has (to take three examples) threads,
> processes, and datetime functions. Meanwhile, PyQt has QThread,
> QProcess, and QDateTime.
> Does this redundancy exist for C++ programmers who are programming Qt
> directly, and
On 03/02/2018 08:36 AM, Paul Moore wrote:
> On 2 March 2018 at 15:09, wrote:
>> We must be discussing a different RAII. That is the raison d'etre of RAII:
>> RAII directly addresses this problem in an exception-safe way that does not
>> burden the resource user at all.
> RAII works in C++ (w
On 02/18/2018 05:45 AM, Anders Wegge Keller wrote:
> På Sun, 18 Feb 2018 07:34:03 -0500
> Richard Damon skrev:
>> Python is much stronger typed than PHP, because in PHP you can do things
>> like 1 + '2' and get 3, as string values will naturally convert
>> themselves to numbers, Python won't
On 02/17/2018 06:31 PM, bartc wrote:
> It could well do all that. But it surely cannot need 18,000 lines' worth
> to do it; that much should be obvious to anyone. And in fact, for
> building with MS's Visual Studio, it doesn't use that file at all, but
> something smaller. (Although the MS build
On 02/05/2018 07:53 AM, Денис Олегович wrote:
> I tried to install python 3.5 and python 3.6, but the same mistake
> interrupt process
> "Windows 7 Service Pack 1 applicable updates are required" Log file
> attached. I tried to install some updates for Windows, but unsuccessully,
> may be I don' t
On 01/11/2018 11:48 PM, Jan Erik Moström wrote:
> On 10 Jan 2018, at 13:40, Jan Erik Moström wrote:
>> I'm looking for a really easy to use graphic library. The target users
>> are teachers who have never programmed before and is taking a first
>> (and possible last) programming course.
> T
On 01/11/2018 06:38 AM, bartc wrote:
> Although I can't run it because 'pygame' is not available. I think
> installing this library is likely to be a bigger obstacle than
> programming any graphics!
> (If I try and download it as a ready-built library for Windows, it has a
> range of .msi fil
On 01/10/2018 01:13 PM, bartc wrote:
> I couldn't see anything obviously simple there. A lot seems to do with
> interaction which is always much more complicated than just drawing stuff.
Yes the link didn't have the simple examples I hoped for. How's this:
import py
On 01/10/2018 10:22 AM, Igor Korot wrote:
> Hi,
> wxPython/Phoenix.
> It can do everything you need and more
But the OP isn't looking for a full-blown GUI toolkit. I went back and
re-read his post to be sure I wasn't misunderstanding. Therefore I
don't think the suggestion to use wxPython o
On 01/10/2018 09:16 AM, oliver wrote:
> Pyqt without hesitation.
Except that people are forgetting the OP is not asking about a GUI
library. The subject line reads "Simple graphic[s] library for
beginners." He just wants a simple graphics drawing library for
beginners. Create a canvas of a certa
On 01/05/2018 10:56 AM, Kim of K. wrote:
> wow!
Yup that's what I said when I read your ramblings.
> even you are defensive about publishing non-working garbage.
Absolutely. You have absolutely no right to make demands of any of the
folks who toss their half-baked personal projects up on source
On 12/11/2017 07:27 AM, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
> On Sun, 10 Dec 2017 16:05:37 -0800 (PST), Lauren Porter
> declaimed the following:
>> Hello all! I've been trying to create a game in Python Processing
Seems like most of the
On 12/09/2017 08:01 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:
> Been a long time since I had an Ubuntu, but is it really the case that
> you can't install Ubuntu without a GUI?
Of course not. Ubuntu is used in headless server situations all the time.
On 12/04/2017 04:49 AM, Thomas Jollans wrote:
> On 2017-12-04 10:48, dhananjaysingh091...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Respected Sir/Mam,
>> I am Dhananjay Singh,Student of IIIT Manipur. Sir/Mam when i am
>> double click in python program (Dhananjay.py),it is opening in Text Editor
>> by Default i
Marking this message as off topic, since it has nothing much to do with
Python and Python programming. In fact this whole thread should have
been started on a Docker-specific forum, mailing list, or USENET group.
To the original poster: you should visit the Docker web site and access
the community
On 11/26/2017 08:39 AM, bartc wrote:
> The problem was traced to two lines that were in the wrong order (in the
> original program). I can't see how unit tests can have helped in any way
> at all, and it would probably have taken much longer.
What makes you think that? Surely other decoders were
On 11/26/2017 07:11 AM, bartc wrote:
>> You may argue that testing doesn't matter for his small game, written
>> for his own education and amusement. The fact is that software in
>> general is of abysmal quality across the boards, and promoting a habit
>> of unit testing is good, even for trivial,
On 11/25/2017 12:58 PM, namenobodywa...@gmail.com wrote:
> the idea is that there should be exactly one object posinf (positive
infinity) that compares as strictly greater than any number ever considered,
and exactly one object neginf that compares as strictly less; as the code
stands now there is
On 11/25/2017 12:58 PM, namenobodywa...@gmail.com wrote:
> the idea is that there should be exactly one object posinf (positive
> infinity) that compares as strictly greater than any number ever considered,
> and exactly one object neginf that compares as strictly less; as the code
> stands now
On 11/26/2017 08:39 AM, bartc wrote:
> The problem was traced to two lines that were in the wrong order (in the
> original program). I can't see how unit tests can have helped in any way
> at all, and it would probably have taken much longer.
What makes you think that? Surely other decoders wer
On 11/26/2017 07:11 AM, bartc wrote:
>> You may argue that testing doesn't matter for his small game, written
>> for his own education and amusement. The fact is that software in
>> general is of abysmal quality across the boards, and promoting a habit
>> of unit testing is good, even for trivial,
On 11/25/2017 06:00 AM, bartc wrote:
> And there's a quite lot left of the rest of the program to worry about too!
> If you add 'window()' at the end of the program, then it seems to run on
> Python 3. I'd play around with it first before thinking up strategies
> for testing it.
Actually, no. U
On 11/25/2017 06:00 AM, bartc wrote:
> And there's a quite lot left of the rest of the program to worry about too!
> If you add 'window()' at the end of the program, then it seems to run on
> Python 3. I'd play around with it first before thinking up strategies
> for testing it.
Actually, no. U
On 11/25/2017 06:00 AM, bartc wrote:
> And there's a quite lot left of the rest of the program to worry about too!
> If you add 'window()' at the end of the program, then it seems to run on
> Python 3. I'd play around with it first before thinking up strategies
> for testing it.
Actually, no.
On 11/25/2017 02:20 AM, Martin Schöön wrote:
> Some time ago I was advised that having a Python installation
> based on several sources (pip and Debian's repos in my case)
> is not a good idea. I need to tidy up my installation and I
> don't know what to opt for and what to opt out.
> What are t
On 11/21/2017 07:50 AM, Ethan Furman wrote:
> Everyone else, please do not quote Stefan's messages as they may then
> end up on the mailing list possibly violating his copyright.
The good news is, at least, that quoting his messages with attribution
is certainly fair use in all jurisdictions I'm a
Your thoughts on scope are interesting, if unorthodox. There is a
problem with your deleting names after use, which is why we rarely
delete names. The problem is that deleting a name does not not
necessarily or immediately destroy an object. This can lead to great
confusion for programmers comin
On 11/15/2017 11:16 PM, Saeed Baig wrote:
> - Do you guys think it would be a good idea? Why or why not? Do you
> think there’s a better way to do it? I’d like to know what others
> think about this idea before making any formal submission.
Except for forcing it to be read-only, there's absolutely
On 11/09/2017 09:33 AM, Chris Angelico wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 10, 2017 at 2:14 AM, Rurpy via Python-list
> wrote:
>> On 11/08/2017 11:29 AM, Chris Angelico wrote:
>>> [...]
>>> Please, Jon, accept that we were not deliberately trying
>>> to put you down. Steve, if you can clearly state your position
On 11/08/2017 11:29 AM, Chris Angelico wrote:
> If that's true, then it's not possible for software to be
> "opinionated" either, because that definitely implies something human.
> And it's illogical to say "Windows is feeling cranky today" when
> something inexplicably fails. Nor should you talk a
On 11/03/2017 09:06 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 4, 2017 at 1:57 PM, Michael Torrie wrote:
>> On 11/03/2017 07:09 PM, Steve D'Aprano wrote:
>>> On Sat, 4 Nov 2017 06:15 am, Michael Torrie wrote:
>>>> In fact if you have no break you may
On 11/03/2017 07:09 PM, Steve D'Aprano wrote:
> On Sat, 4 Nov 2017 06:15 am, Michael Torrie wrote:
>> In fact if you have no break you may as well drop the
>> else entirely, because the block will always execute.
> That's incorrect. There are multiple way
On 11/03/2017 11:44 AM, Jon Ribbens wrote:
> And that's leading you into confusion, as you've demonstrated.
And indeed I've been led into considerable confusion about the else:
clause over the years. Every time I need to use it, I run a python shell
and try it out to remind myself how it works. H
On 10/26/2017 09:04 AM, Davide Dalmasso wrote:
> Dear all,
> I'm trying to read a txt file with read_table but in the file there are some
> string that contain the € symbol and the procedure returns me an error.
> I tried with encoding='utf-8' but the problem is still there:
> pd.read_table('filen
On 10/16/2017 11:21 AM, bartc wrote:
> del x effectively removes it from the namespace so trying to use it on
> line 4 generates the same 'undefined' error.
> However, the byte-code still needs to be aware of x: at the time when
> line 1 is executed, the byte-code for line 3 already exists and
On 10/16/2017 08:52 AM, Paul Moore wrote:
> For that situation, reading mailing lists as mails in gmail is the
> best option I've been able to find (not ideal, but adequate).
> Paul
Gmail's web interface is completely broken as far as mailing lists are
concerned. Conversation view in no way is ad
On 10/15/2017 08:50 PM, Andrew Z wrote:
> Gents,
> how do i get this group in a newsreader? The digest i'm getting is not
> workable for me - i can't reply , can only read the replies from the
> members of the group. Or. maybe, it shouldn't be a news reader
> please advise..
> P.S. Oh the c
On 10/11/2017 08:46 AM, Michael Cuddehe wrote:
> - What exactly did you install?
>>> Latest install: Python 3.5.4 (v3.5.4:3f56838, Aug 8 2017, 02:17:05) [MSC
> v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
So your OS is 32 bit? If so, you can't run 64-bit software on it.
This v
On 10/10/2017 10:09 AM, Vail, Rick wrote:
> I have a script for Cisco devices that will do configuration or any CLI
> command. What I would like to do is print the output to my terminal(windows)
> and to a file. I can come up with stdout parameters
> To print to a file but not to the screen and
On 10/08/2017 02:46 PM, Xristos Xristoou wrote:
> Τη Κυριακή, 8 Οκτωβρίου 2017 - 10:48:38 μ.μ. UTC+3, ο χρήστης Richard Damon
> έγραψε:
>> It sounds like the fundamental problem is that you are doing the
>> calculation in the web page handler. This means that the browser will be
>> stuck in the
On 10/06/2017 07:24 AM, bartc wrote:
> On 06/10/2017 14:11, Peter J. Holzer wrote:
>> I regularly use at least cat, wc and od this way (plus a few of my own
>> utilities like utf8dump). I'm sure I've used sort this way, too, though
>> rather rarely. I usually don't type the input but paste it in,
On 10/05/2017 10:38 PM, Dan Sommers wrote:
> On Thu, 05 Oct 2017 19:14:33 -0600, Michael Torrie wrote:
>> It all depends on what the command's purpose is for, and how it's
>> designed to be chained with other commands (cat for example).
> They're almos
On 10/05/2017 06:08 PM, bartc wrote:
> then it stinks. You wouldn't think much of a shell prompt that literally
> showed nothing at all instead of something like:
Indeed many programs do go to extra effort to detect if the connecting
stream is an interactive device (a tty), and if so they do emit
On 09/25/2017 06:38 PM, Kryptxy via Python-list wrote:
> Is there any way that the GUI program is opened, and immediately the
> control returns to calling program, instead of keeping the terminal
> busy?
Yes. This is a classic situation where you want to first fork() the
process, then exec() the n
On 09/24/2017 09:56 AM, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
> "Binding" itself tends to be Python specific terminology
Not so. How it's used in Python terminology is fairly closely aligned
with how the word was used in my programming language theory class at
uni, where it was defined in mathematical t
On 09/23/2017 05:38 AM, Veek M wrote:
> I didn't understand any of that - could someone expand on that para?
> Is there a reading resource that explains the Viewport and translations? I am
> not a CS student so I did not study computer graphics.
I'm sure there are lots of things that might help.
On 09/23/2017 03:07 AM, Kryptxy via Python-list wrote:
> Thank you all! I opened a ticket about the same (on github).
> I got response from most of them, and all are agreeing to the change.
> However, one contributor did not respond at all. I tried e-mailing, but no
> response.
> Can I still proce
On 09/15/2017 03:10 PM, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
> "single table" so no join logic needed. And I suspect the relational
> algebra "project" would be considered the same as SQL "select" by most
> folks
As Stefan has said, it's sometimes useful to join a table with itself,
though I have neve
On 09/15/2017 12:04 PM, Stefan Ram wrote:
> When one is building an in-memory database that has a single
> table that is built at the start of the program and then one
> writes some complex queries to the table, what can be expected
How do you pla
On 09/14/2017 11:22 AM, Kryptxy via Python-list wrote:
> Hi,
> I have an opensource (python) project under GPL3 licence. I wish
> switch to MIT licence so as to make it more permissive. I know how to
> change the licence, but I want to know is it fine and wise to change
> the licence at this point?
On 09/11/2017 06:00 AM, Pavol Lisy wrote:
>> Debian follows PEP 394, which recommends that "python" point to python2,
>> and I don't see that changing any time soon (certainly not before RHEL
>> includes python3 by default.
> Which part of third party ecosystem surrounding Python 3 is not (and
On 09/11/2017 01:47 AM, Stephan Houben wrote:
> Op 2017-09-10, Marko Rauhamaa schreef :
>> Stephan Houben :
>>> Why not bundle the Python interpreter with your application?
>>> It seems to work for Windows developers...
>> I've seen that done for Python and other technologies. It is an
>> ex
On 09/10/2017 03:25 AM, Leam Hall wrote:
> From a non-rpm perspective Python 3.6.2 compiles nicely on CentOS 6.
> Once compiled it seems easy to use pip3 to install stuff without
> trampling on the OS's Python 2 install.
In the last place I worked, our servers usually did not have compilers
On 09/12/2017 03:05 AM, Thomas Jollans wrote:
> Other people on this list:
> This isn't the first time I've someone with this issue here. It's
> probably putting off plenty of potential new users who don't make as
> much effort to find a solution. I can't say I understand the ins and
> outs of inst
On 09/10/2017 09:38 PM, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
> It ain't dead yet... Fujitsu still has a COBOL compiler/IDE for Windows
> and/or .NET (and maybe even other systems)... (I should see if Win10 can
> install the Fujitsu COBOL 4 that came with my Y2K era text books... WinXP
> could not install
On 09/11/2017 08:36 AM, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
> On Mon, 11 Sep 2017 18:35:02 +1000, Chris Angelico
> declaimed the following:
>> Do a quick poll here on the list. Who sees async functions as an
>> alternative to Twisted? Who here has even *used* Twisted? (How many
>> even know what it is?
On 09/11/2017 02:35 AM, Chris Angelico wrote:
> Do a quick poll here on the list. Who sees async functions as an
> alternative to Twisted? Who here has even *used* Twisted? (How many
> even know what it is?)
/me raises hand, slowly, cautiously looking around. I don't think of
twisted so much as a
On 09/10/2017 06:16 PM, Leam Hall wrote:
> The Career seems to be a "Decorator" pattern given my limited
> understanding of design patterns. Concur? If so I'll go study that some
> more.
A career seems to be something one "has." So a classic "has a"
characteristic, which means it should be an a
On 09/10/2017 09:20 AM, Marko Rauhamaa wrote:
> Been there. I'm afraid this is not a joke:
> https://github.com/EnterpriseQualityCoding/FizzBuzzEnterpriseEdition>
Wow that's pretty amazing! Thanks for sharing that link.
> Python, COBOL for the next generation.
I guess we'll have to see. CO
On 09/08/2017 08:35 PM, V Vishwanathan wrote:
> Hi, From what I see in the recent 4/5 digests, this forum seems to be for
> advanced
> and professional programmers.
> So wondering if a newbie can post some questions to understand errors in his
> code
> or will it look silly?
Yes you may
On 08/25/2017 06:10 AM, Stefan Ram wrote:
> Do I miss any means to make the turtle graphics window
> behave more normally and at the same time be able to draw
> graphics interactivley from the console, watching the result
> of one move command and then interacticely typing in more
> move
On 08/14/2017 07:28 PM, jlada...@itu.edu wrote:
> On Monday, August 14, 2017 at 4:41:23 PM UTC-7, Ho Yeung Lee wrote:
>> my code can run without error,
>> you can try to download one of face from search keyword "face"
>> and try this script
> You're assuming a lot. From your code:
> f
On 08/10/2017 11:29 PM, Steve D'Aprano wrote:
> On Fri, 11 Aug 2017 12:54 pm, Mikhail V wrote:
>> but at a first glance, "while" reads as "if" as in english.
> In English the two words don't mean the same thing.
But actually in some contexts they really do seem to mean the same thing:
Make h
On 08/05/2017 08:28 AM, veek wrote:
At a certain point beyond the general stuff, questions about PyQt might
be better suited to the PyQt mailing list, hosted by the company that
maintains PyQt:
On 08/05/2017 12:19 PM, Marko Rauhamaa wrote:
> I would express it as just saying that the Qt developers appropriated
> the word "signal" for what is simply a callback.
I'd say a slot is a callback. A signal is the designation of something
that will trigger callbacks.
> Years back I took a brief
Forgive Steven for his off-topic reply. I assume he's trying to goad you
into having a more specific subject line. He knows darn well what PyQt,
even if he has no experience with it.
And of course, as always you will want to post a complete, working
example that we can see and comment on, rather
On 08/05/2017 04:52 AM, Chris Green wrote:
> I went through a similar process of deciding the easiest (for me) GUI
> to go with. I've actually ended up with PyGtk as it feels for me the
> 'least foreign' compared with doing things the CLI way.
Yes PyGtk is fairly Pythonic and natural feeling. PyQ
On 08/04/2017 05:45 PM, Ulli Horlacher wrote:
> I have to transfer a python 2.7 CLI programm into one with a (simple) GUI.
> The program must run on Linux and Windows and must be compilable with
> pyinstall, because I have to ship a standalone windows.exe
> Any kind of installer is not acceptable.
On 07/14/2017 08:05 AM, Rhodri James wrote:
> On 14/07/17 14:31, Marko Rauhamaa wrote:
>> Of course, UTF-8 in a bytes object doesn't make the situation any
>> better, but does it make it any worse?
> Speaking as someone who has been up to his elbows in this recently, I
> would say emphatically
On 07/14/2017 07:31 AM, Marko Rauhamaa wrote:
> Of course, UTF-8 in a bytes object doesn't make the situation any
> better, but does it make it any worse?
> As it stands, we have
>è --[encode>-- Unicode --[reencode>-- UTF-8
> Why is one encoding format better than the other?
This is
On 07/10/2017 02:06 PM, Pete Forman wrote:
>> What's the meaning of "https news service" then? If it's netnews, it's
>> NNTP, not HTTP. If it just happens to be a web app that carries
>> information from a newsgroup, then that's not a news service, it's a
>> web forum, and there's no such thing as
On 07/10/2017 11:05 AM, Paul Rubin wrote:
> Michael Torrie writes:
>>> can you get a newsreader to work with a https news service?
>> No. A newsreader works with NNTP protocol.
> Traditionally NNTP over SSL was done on port 563. Some feeds now also
> provide it
On 07/09/2017 09:29 PM, Chris Roy-Smith wrote:
> can you get a newsreader to work with a https news service?
No. A newsreader works with NNTP protocol. Some Usenet servers offer
SSL support over port 443, but that's certainly not https. I've never
heard of an https news service before. Unless yo
On 07/09/2017 07:52 PM, Steve D'Aprano wrote:
> This is also a mailing list where there is an administrator.
> The mailing list came first, and was mirrored to the Usenet group.
Good point. So messages that get emailed to the mailing list are
filtered before they get sent out to the Usenet grou
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