Re: Using regular expressions in internet searches

2005-07-03 Thread MyHaz
Python would be good for this, but if you just want a chuck an rumble solution might be. bash $wget -r --ignore-robots -l 0 -c -t 3 bash $ grep -r Micheal.* ./* Or you could do a wget/python mix like import sys import re sys.os.command(wget -r --ignore-robots

Streaming Data Error in .read() (HTTP/ICY) Possible Bug?

2005-06-12 Thread MyHaz
I playing around with streaming shoutcast mp3s. Here is some sample code: --- import httplib # Put together the headers headers = {Icy-MetaData:1} con = httplib.HTTPConnection('', 8000) con.request(GET, /) stream = con.getresponse() print

Re: Formated String in optparse

2005-03-31 Thread MyHaz
If you haven't looked into it, you may like the way class OptionParser() makes the help text for you. - Haz --

Re: reading from a txt file

2005-03-30 Thread MyHaz
you should have that file i/o in some try: except: pairs for starters. and you should close data_file when you are done. isn't it just ? --

Re: Optimisation Hints (dict processing and strings)

2005-03-30 Thread MyHaz
I posted a question about string concatination just last week. There is plenty of discussion on it, if you just search the group. --

Re: oddness in string.find(sub,somestring)

2005-03-30 Thread MyHaz
thanks all that clears things up nicely - Haz --

Re: newbie - threading

2005-03-29 Thread MyHaz
Posting the error message could help. Also you might check out this example - Haz --

Re: Python for a 10-14 years old?

2005-03-24 Thread MyHaz
Well i don't know of any tutorials but i thought of a cool little assignment that might interest someone of that age assuming english is her first language. Its a neat little trick with english and the way that we proccess letter combinations (or should i say permuations). But a program that

Re: looking for programmer

2005-03-24 Thread MyHaz
Well your welcolme to send me the specs, im always up for making a few pennys. As for the yahoo account, i have me a spam catcher account and seems to work rather well. Hope To Here From You - Haz --

Re: Python for a 10-14 years old?

2005-03-24 Thread MyHaz
Michele Simionato: Actually, one could even make the case that children are much better than adults at learning new things. In the case of natural languge it has been pretty much proven that children are (much) better/faster at learning then adults. Now it is left to be shown if this carries

Re: The Running Time of += on Char Strings ?

2005-03-24 Thread MyHaz
Thanks Guys It Was Great Help and I have began to mark my code for the ''.join() string conatination optimization. Upon regoogling (when you know the right thing to google it can make a big diffrence, having not know how to google +=, hehe). I found this commentary and set of tests. I find it a

Re: Regular Expressions

2005-03-23 Thread MyHaz
escape chars are always a pain when making regex's. There is a section on it the Regex HOWTO --

Re: Python to C++ conversion substituting vectors for lists in a recursive function

2005-03-23 Thread MyHaz
I didn't look at the original code but i you should know that passing vectors directly (i.e by value) to functions is not a good idea (results in big copy), its better to use `const vector ` or `vector ` (i.e. by reference). In general you should try to reduce the number of vector coping to a

The Running Time of +=

2005-03-22 Thread MyHaz
What is the running time of conactination on character strings. i.e. joe=123 joe+=9 is it Amortized Constant time? I don't think it would be O((number of chars)^2) but i really don't know. Teach me how to fish, where would i find out more about the internal representations

Re: Event Handeling Between Two wxPanles in A wxNotebook

2005-03-19 Thread MyHaz
so you run data pool as like a sruct that contains all your global objects? That sounds like an iteresting way of doing things. i try to stay away from gloabs as much as possible but this might be a good time to queue up that particular tool thanks for your reply --