Re: if __name__ == 'main':

2007-03-20 Thread Patrick Down
On Mar 20, 11:49 am, gtb [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi, I often see the following 'if' construct in python code. What does this idiom accomplish? What happens if this is not main? How did I get here if it is not main? A quick example demonstrates the usage: C:\codetype print Module

Re: What is proper way to require a method to be overridden?

2007-01-05 Thread Patrick Down
jeremito wrote: I am writing a class that is intended to be subclassed. What is the proper way to indicate that a sub class must override a method? Thanks, Jeremy Decorators to the rescue? def must_override(f): def t(*args): raise NotImplementedError(You must override +

Re: newbie question concerning formatted output

2005-11-29 Thread Patrick Down
a = [str(i) for i in range(0,17)] for i in range(0,len(a),3): ... print .join(a[i:i+3]) ... 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 --

Re: Moinmoin config

2005-08-17 Thread Patrick Down
Mark wrote: Hi, I have Moinmoin 1.3.4 installed and working on Linux RHEL3.0. However, all screen elements are lined up on the left hand side. How can I get it displayed like the wiki at: Well, this is probably a better question for the moin lists but I have seen this behavior before. I

Re: Python in Games (was RE: [Stackless] Python in Games)

2005-06-14 Thread Patrick Down
My understanding is that the upcoming Civilization IV will have python scripting. --

Re: If - Or statements

2005-06-07 Thread Patrick Down
What about: if True in [thefile.endswith(x) for x in ('mp3','mp4','ogg','aac','wma')]: --