Is there a Command line parser in python that can:
1. resolve conflicts
2. specify something like requires
3. and smart
for ex:
python --a --b --c --d
Case 1:
If 'a' is an option 'b' or 'c' cannot be specified.
Case 2:
atleast one option should be specified
Case 3:
IF 'a' and 'c' are gi
Is there a Command line parser in python that can:
1. resolve conflicts
2. specify something like requires
3. and be smart
for ex:
python --a --b --c --d
Case 1:
If 'a' is an option 'b' or 'c' cannot be specified.
Case 2:
atleast one option should be specified
Case 3:
IF 'a' and 'c' are
I see that.But here in my case the testflags is computed inside the
member function something like
class AA:
def __init__(self):
self.test_flag = 0 # initialize
def methods(self, value):
save_value = _munge(value)
self.test_flag = save_value
ok I reason I was going with globals is that i use this variable in
another class something like this along with above
testflag = 0
class AA:
def __init__(...):
def methos(self,...):
global testflag
testflag = xx
class BB:
def __init__(...):
def method2(..):
hi how do I write this better with member variables rather than global
as you see below.
test-flag = 0
class AA:
def __init__(...):
def methos(self,...):
global test-flag
test-flag = xx
instead of something like above do i put it i terms of member
Hi I'm trying to learn mod python and need some one to explain how to
do http redirection(302) with an example code
I am looking for unix.the recipe is windows specific!!
how can we compute the current system disk space using a python
any ideas or have anyone tried this..
How do I add a new attribute to the existing xml Document tree???
hmm Thats one thing. Also I was thinking of something like benefites of
python over other languages. Probably that coould be one ?
What possible tricky areas/questions could be asked in Python based
Technical Interviews?
Hi if I have a function called
def execute():
tmp = tmp+1
return tmp
also I have
def func1():
def func2():
now I want execute() function to get executed only once. That is the
first time it is accessed.
so taht when funcc2 access the
but what if
case 1:
no.of keys in f1 > f2 and
no.of keys in f1 < f2.
Should'nt we get 1.1 if case 1 and 0.9 if case 2?? it errors of with a
Not for homework. But anyway thanks much...
Note that the code i wrote wont do the compare based on id which i am
looking just does a direct file to file compare..
I have two files
file1 in format
'AA' 1 T T
'AB' 1 T F
file2 same as file1
'AA' 1 T T
'AB' 1 T T
Also the compare should be based on id. So it should look for line
starting with id 'AA' (for example) and then match the line so if in
second case.
so this is what I am looking for:
1. read
Does anyone know of a simple implementation for detecting straight line
.So something like if we have a 2D arary of pixel elements representing
a particular Image. How can we identify lines in this Image.
for example:
ary =
So i
Does anyone know of a simple implementation of a straight line
detection algorithm something like hough or anything simpler.So
something like if we have a 2D arary of pixel elements representing a
particular Image. How can we identify lines in this Image.
for example:
ary =
i I need some help on some problem I am trying to think of.
are there any algorithms available to do the following If not, any
I would like to Identify any lines of any orientation and width in an
Image and
remove them from the Image. Basically I would like to scan the entire
Image for li
hmm thanks for that..but kind of not sure how this groupby works.. also
if I want to group elements with one value apart how would this
change.Should this change in groupby part or in the loop?
something like...
lst = [1,1,2,1,3,5,1,1,1,1,2,7,7]
returns (0,3),4,5,(6,10),(11,12)
so its something lik
If I have a list say
lst = [1,1,1,1,3,5,1,1,1,1,7,7,7]
I want to group the list so that it returns groups such as
[(0,3),4,5,(6,9),(10,12)]. which defines the regions which are similar.
Hi I am looking for a simple algorithm for removing straight lines in a
given Image using something like an PIL or simpler.
I get a decoder error when i do a get pixel on the Image
>>> im.getpixel((12,34))
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in ?
File "", line 858, in getpixel
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/PIL/", line
180, in load
d = Image._
When i try this i get this error:
import Image
>>> im ='image.tif')
>>> im.getpixel((10,19))
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in ?
File "", line 858, in getpixel
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/PIL/", line
180, i
One reason why I don't want to use PIL is it seems very slow for tiff
images of very large sizes(2400x4800). So I am looking for a better
tool than does the right job faster.
nothing fancy. I just want to be able to read a tiff image, get pixel
values, write back to a tiff file.
Is there any package out there which handles Tiff Images other than PIL
or ImageMagic .
Hi I am looking for a simple tiff Image reader/writer in python.Can
anyone point me to the right one.
Yep that improved the speed by about 50% now it takes about 10 secs
instead of 24 seconds..Thanks much. I guess that is the best we could
do right.It would be really helpful if I could get it less than 5
seconds. Any suggestions on that??
>Info req'd for discussing algorithm changes:
>1. How much free memory do you have?
- Memory is not a problem but I am working on some timing
constraints.Thats is the reason I am a bit concerned abt these 30
> 2. What can you tell us about the distribution of "e"?
- the distribution
I was testing this piece of code and it takes about 24-30 seconds to do
a look up on a list(m) of size 1000x1000
m -> list of size 1000x1000
import time
print time.ctime()
box = {}
for r,row in enumerate(m):
for c,e in enumerate(row):
if box.has_key(e):
params = box[e]
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