2014-10-29 12:25 GMT+01:00 Martin Kemp :
> Hash: SHA1
> On 29/10/2014 10:45, Anton wrote:
>> Let's say I have an incoming list of values *l*. Every element of
>> *l* can be one of the following options: 1) an integer value 2) a
>> string in form of '', e.g. '7
Hi, first in Python 2.7.6 and Python 3.4.0 list haven't got any add
function but they have append.
I think you could do better with something like
import json
l = [1, -1, 0, '1', '-1', '0', json.dumps(-1), json.dumps(1),
json.dumps(0), 'x', 'sqjklsqjk__', (1, 2)]
values = []
for c in