Re: Python callbacks PyGILState_Release()

2005-04-23 Thread Thomas Heller
Randall Hopper [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: What is the correct way to propagate exceptions from Python callbacks? When I do this: Python - C++ - Python Callback (example attached) an exception raised in the callback doesn't make it back across C++ to Python. It appears

Re: IPython - problem with using US international keyboard input scheme on W2K

2005-04-16 Thread Thomas Heller
Gary Bishop [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Fernando Perez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Claudio Grondi wrote: Considering what I found in the ipython mailing archives and the fact, that after the fix with displaying colors on bright backgrounds Gary had no time yet to get in touch with me about

Re: sort of a beginner question about globals

2005-04-15 Thread Thomas Heller
fred.dixon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: :) unit test is something on my to-learn list. seems involved and i haven't seen any straight forward tutorials yet. as yet i still consider myself a hobbyist at best. I would recommend Test Driven Development by Kent Beck (Addison-Wesley). Thomas --

Re: distribute python script

2005-04-14 Thread Thomas Heller
codecraig [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: surei posted another thread eariler, which explains much more related to py2exe..check that out and let me know if that helps. I'm monitoring this group, but I

Re: distribute python script

2005-04-14 Thread Thomas Heller
codecraig [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Thanks so much Thomas!!! I added encodings to my setup' it is setup(console=[{script: ''}], options={py2exe: {packages: [encodings]}}) and i did the same for the other python script. Thanks!! Cool. The next py2exe version will

Re: Python 2.4 killing commercial Windows Python development ?

2005-04-12 Thread Thomas Heller
Terry Reedy [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: [...] Also, I think it a bit 'anti-social' to hide usage of Python. If all Python Windows programs ran with a normal, communally installed Python, then users would gradually get the idea that having Python installed is much like having Shockwave and

Re: Python 2.4 killing commercial Windows Python development ?

2005-04-12 Thread Thomas Heller
Dave Brueck [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Terry Reedy wrote: If there is something about the default install of Python on Windows that makes it less desireable or less easy than other platforms, then maybe that can be fixed. To make installation easier, maybe someone could write a small .exe

Re: Python 2.4 killing commercial Windows Python development ?

2005-04-11 Thread Thomas Heller
Michael Kearns [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I've been using python to write a simple 'launcher' for one of our Java applications for quite a while now. I recently updated it to use python 2.4, and all seemed well. Today, one of my colleagues noted that on her machine the launcher would

Re: decorating functions with generic signatures (not for the faint of heart)

2005-04-08 Thread Thomas Heller
Michele Simionato [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I have realized today that defining decorators for functions with generic signatures is pretty non-trivial. I've not completely read your post ;-), but I assume you're trying to do something that I've also done some time ago. Maybe the following code

Re: Problem with access to shared memory(W2K) / ORIGINALLY (win32) speedfan api control

2005-04-06 Thread Thomas Heller
Claudio Grondi [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Background information: - in order to monitor mainboard sensory data as fan speeds, temperatures, applications like SpeedFan or MBM can be used. Both of

Re: Problem with access to shared memory(W2K) / ORIGINALLY (win32) speedfan api control

2005-04-06 Thread Thomas Heller
Claudio Grondi [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: For the mistake you made see below, hope that helps. It doesn't. pBuf_buf = cast(pBuf, Buffer) Here's the problem. pBuf is a pointer to a Buffer structure, not the buffer structure itself. Something like pBuf_buf =

Re: Change between Python 2.3 and 2.4 under WinXP

2005-04-05 Thread Thomas Heller
rbt [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Martin v. Löwis wrote: Of course, it is not all that clear what the OP actually wanted. For all we know, he wanted to alternate quickly (with batch file or similary) between python23 and python24... Maybe off-topic for this thread, but I noticed that when

Re: class attributes and inner classes in C extensions

2005-04-01 Thread Thomas Heller
harold fellermann [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I am working on a C extension module that implements a bunch of classes. Everything works fine so far, but I cannot find any way to implement class attributes or inner classes. Consider you have the following lines of Python : class Foo :

Re: Example Code - Named Pipes (Python 2.4 + ctypes on Windows)

2005-03-26 Thread Thomas Heller
Srijit Kumar Bhadra [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hello, I am quite familiar with Mark Hammond's win32all. It is excellent. However, I wish that there was more documentation of win32all beyond existing PyWin32.chm. I am aware of Python Programming on Win32 but I do not have access to it at

ctypes 0.9.6 released

2005-03-18 Thread Thomas Heller
ctypes 0.9.6 released - Mar 18, 2005 Overview ctypes is an advanced ffi (Foreign Function Interface) package for Python 2.3 and higher. ctypes allows to call functions exposed from dlls/shared libraries and has extensive facilities to create,

Re: Memory mapped File (Python win32 extensions)

2005-03-17 Thread Thomas Heller
Srijit Kumar Bhadra [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hello, I see that it is possible to use mmapfile.pyd of win32all. The same is mentioned in Unfortunately I could not trace any example using mmapfile. Any example or link to an example will be of

Re: Generating data types automatically

2005-03-14 Thread Thomas Heller
Torsten Bronger [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hallöchen! I have to generate a lot of data types (for ctypes by the way). An example is ViUInt32 = u_long ViPUInt32 = POINTER(ViUInt32) ViAUInt32 = ViPUInt32 Therefore, I defined functions that should make my life easier: def

Re: Getting the process list on win98

2005-03-14 Thread Thomas Heller
Ron [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I've written a screen saver which opens multiple copies on windows 98. I'm trying to check the process list to determine if it is already running. So far all the example win32 routines I've found, through google, only work on newer xp and nt versions of

Re: How do I pass structures using a C extension?

2005-03-14 Thread Thomas Heller
[EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Thanks for all the replies so far. I'm starting to look at SWIG, but the libraries I want access to are all static. I created a small interface file and a file, but when I build it, I get undefined symbols. It sounds like the pack/unpack

ctypes 0.9.5 released

2005-03-12 Thread Thomas Heller
ctypes 0.9.5 released - Mar 11, 2005 Overview ctypes is an advanced ffi (Foreign Function Interface) package for Python 2.3 and higher. ctypes allows to call functions exposed from dlls/shared libraries and has extensive facilities to create,

[Ann] ctypes 0.9.5 released

2005-03-12 Thread Thomas Heller
ctypes 0.9.5 released - Mar 11, 2005 Overview ctypes is an advanced ffi (Foreign Function Interface) package for Python 2.3 and higher. ctypes allows to call functions exposed from dlls/shared libraries and has extensive facilities to create,

Re: modifiable config files in compiled code?

2005-03-11 Thread Thomas Heller
Stephen Thorne [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: On 10 Mar 2005 06:02:22 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi All, I've been trying to come up with an elegant solution to this problem, but can't seem to think of anything better than my solution below. I have a Python program

Re: Python 2.4, distutils, and pure python packages

2005-03-11 Thread Thomas Heller
Martin v. Löwis [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Thomas Heller wrote: This means that if you build a windows installer using distutils - it *requires* msvcr7.dll in order to run. This is true even if your package is a pure python package. This means that when someone tries to use a windows installer

Re: Python 2.4, distutils, and pure python packages

2005-03-10 Thread Thomas Heller
[CC to python-dev] Fuzzyman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Python 2.4 is built with Microsoft Visiual C++ 7. This means that it uses msvcr7.dll, which *isn't* a standard part of the windows operating system. Nitpicking - it's MSVC 7.1, aka MS Visual Studio .NET 2003, and it's msvcr71.dll. This

Re: Accessing files installed with distutils

2005-03-08 Thread Thomas Heller
Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I was wondering how to do this too. I'm trying to write a distutils script that has some data I'd like to include. From the distutils docs I get data_files specifies a sequence of (directory, files) pairs in the

Running doctests with unittest

2005-03-08 Thread Thomas Heller
I'm trying to integrate some doctest tests with unittest. The tests must be exposed as one or more subclasses of unittest.TestCase, so I'm collecting them with a call to doctest.DocTestSuite(), and then add them to a TestCase class I have created. The tests seem to run, but they always seem to

Re: py2exe error: No such file or directory

2005-03-07 Thread Thomas Heller
Larry Bates [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I had occasion to look back at a project I did over a year ago and needed to make one small change. I use py2exe to package it for distribution via Inno Setup. After making my change I tried to run my setup script that worked fine before and get the

Re: win32 COM and data types / direction

2005-03-04 Thread Thomas Heller
Alexander Eisenhuth [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hello everybody, i wonder how the win32 COM extension handles different C-int types (short, int, long). Another question for me is weather the out-direction of parameter is supported out of the box ? To clarify look at the methode

Re: Distributing applications

2005-03-02 Thread Thomas Heller
Serge Orlov [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Jaime Wyant wrote: This becomes especially hairy when someone is updating from 1.0 to say 1.5. Then I have to keep track of all the deltas between 1.0/1.5. My way is much simpler because I don't have to keep up with *anything*. As long as I test my

Re: memory leaks with ctypes LoadLibrary ?

2005-03-01 Thread Thomas Heller
chris [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: What is the proper way to use ctypes to access an exported Function in a dll file on windows? I must be missing something because I get memory leaks when I use it: import ctypes import gc gc.enable() gc.set_debug(gc.DEBUG_LEAK) lib =

Re: memory leaks with ctypes LoadLibrary ?

2005-03-01 Thread Thomas Heller
chris [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: What is the proper way to use ctypes to access an exported Function in a dll file on windows? I must be missing something because I get memory leaks when I use it: import ctypes import gc gc.enable() gc.set_debug(gc.DEBUG_LEAK) lib =

Re: automatic nesting and indentation in emacs

2005-02-25 Thread Thomas Heller
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (porterboy) writes: CONTEXT: I am using Emacs to edit Python code and sometimes also Matlab code. When I hit return in a loop of some sort, Emacs usually gets the nesting indentation right, which is particularly important in Python. To ensure this I have used python-mode.el

Re: how to interrupt time.sleep ?

2005-02-22 Thread Thomas Heller
BOOGIEMAN [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I have line time.sleep(60) in my code How do I cancel waiting 60 seconds if I want to continue with program imediately ? Like Press some button if you don't want to wait If it can't be canceled what's the other solution to wait certain time/or press

Re: unicode encoding usablilty problem

2005-02-18 Thread Thomas Heller
=?ISO-8859-15?Q?Walter_D=F6rwald?= [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: aurora wrote: [...] In Java they are distinct data type and the compiler would catch all incorrect usage. In Python, the interpreter seems to 'help' us to promote binary string to unicode. Things works fine, unit tests pass,

Re: unicode encoding usablilty problem

2005-02-18 Thread Thomas Heller
=?ISO-8859-15?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?= [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: We have come up with a transition strategy, allowing existing libraries to widen their support from byte strings to character strings. This isn't a simple task, so many libraries still expect and return byte strings, when

Re: unicode encoding usablilty problem

2005-02-18 Thread Thomas Heller
=?ISO-8859-15?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?= [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Eventually, the primary string type should be the Unicode string. If you are curious how far we are still off that goal, just try running your program with the -U option. Not very far - can't even call functions ;-) c:\py

Re: Convert a raw pointer to IDispatch

2005-02-17 Thread Thomas Heller
Roger That [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hi, I am trying to use the function CreateStreamOnHGlobal from python code (I need to pass an IStream object to MSXML, like I do in C++ code). I was able to retrieve a pointer on the IStream object in this way: from ctypes import * stream = c_int()

Re: [newbie]How to install python under DOS and is there any Wxpython can be installed under dos?

2005-02-17 Thread Thomas Heller
Diez B. Roggisch [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Maybe somehow the pygame sdl wrapper can be used for gui-stuff. SDL has had a DOS mode. But it is discontinued. What exactly is discontinued? pygame? SDL? Thomas --

Re: Why doesn't join() call str() on its arguments?

2005-02-16 Thread Thomas Heller
Skip Montanaro [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: John 4. For consistency, would you like 1 + 2 to produce 12? No, the correct answer is obviously 3. ;-) S No, '12' is correct. Or '1+2'. --

Re: PythonCard and Py2Exe

2005-02-15 Thread Thomas Heller
[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: For this setup file, the executable packs, but when I attempt to run the program, the screen flashes, cannot import name radiogroup . I've attempted adding import radiogroup, from Pythoncard import radiogroup and from Pythoncard.compnents import radiogroup to the

Re: PyINI : Cross-Platform INI parser

2005-02-11 Thread Thomas Heller
Giovanni Bajo [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: SeSe wrote: hi, every one, I started a opensource project PyINI for corss-platform *.ini parsing at I have released a simple alpha version, which can read *.ini, with some extended features such as

Re: pyFMOD writing a callback function in Python

2005-02-10 Thread Thomas Heller
Marian Aldenhövel [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hi, I am using the FMOD audio-library with the pyFMOD python bindings. pyFMOD uses ctypes. I was looking into this recently, because another poster also asked about pyFMOD: which FMOD version do you use? I was only able to find (for

Re: Choosing the right parser for parsing C headers

2005-02-08 Thread Thomas Heller
Jean de Largentaye [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hi, I need to parse a subset of C (a header file), and generate some unit tests for the functions listed in it. I thus need to parse the code, then rewrite function calls with wrong parameters. What I call shaking the broken tree :) IMO, for

Re: Efficient checksum calculating on lagre files

2005-02-08 Thread Thomas Heller
Nick Craig-Wood [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Ola Natvig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi all Does anyone know of a fast way to calculate checksums for a large file. I need a way to generate ETag keys for a webserver, the ETag of large files are not realy nececary, but it would be nice if I

Re: pyFMOD problem

2005-02-03 Thread Thomas Heller
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tian) writes: I am trying to use pyfmod in python to manipulate sound. i have installed pyfmod, ctype, numarray (if they are necessary), i also copied fmod.dll to python/DLLs as well as windows/system32, but First, you should copy fmod.dll to a directory somewhere where

Re: Python for S60 mentioned in a mainstream Finnish e-news website

2005-02-02 Thread Thomas Heller
Ville Vainio [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Of course there is the whole hog and more in the official Nokia press release, this time in English: It also paints an accurate and quite positive picture of Python. Now we just need ctypes or Symbianic

Re: Forcing interactive interpreter without (-i)

2005-02-01 Thread Thomas Heller
Miki Tebeka [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hello All, If there a way a script can tell Python to enter interactive mode even if the -i command line switch was not given? I want py2exe to create an interactive session, without writing my own REPL. IIRC, in newer Python versions, you can set the

Re: Where are list methods documented?

2005-02-01 Thread Thomas Heller
Grant Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: On 2005-02-01, Brian van den Broek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I'm not positive I understand what you are looking for, but do these help?:

Re: py2exe problem

2005-01-26 Thread Thomas Heller
Harald Massa [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Grant Edwards LookupError: no codec search functions registered: can't find encoding Googling for the error message will find you the answer. carries within encodings and encodings again

Re: py2exe problem

2005-01-26 Thread Thomas Heller
Harald Massa [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Thomas Heller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]: A software development system which REALLY solves the encodings problem WITHOUT creating a swarm of new ones could would challange even my devotedness to Python : AFAIK, McMillan

Re: Installer made with bdist_wininst segfaulting...

2005-01-25 Thread Thomas Heller
Fernando Perez [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hi all, I am seeking advice/help from those with more win32 experience than myself. I am trying to build a proper win32 installer for IPython, after a user did most of the hard work. For the most part, it's working very well, but I am running into

Re: from __future__ import decorators

2005-01-13 Thread Thomas Heller
Jacek Generowicz [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I have some code, which makes copious use of the @decorator syntax which was introduced in Python2.4. Now I find myself in a situation where I have to run the code under Python 2.3. However, I would like to keep developing the code with the new

appending data to an xml file

2005-01-11 Thread Thomas Heller
I want to append/insert additional data to an xml file. Context: I use gccxml to parse C header files. gccxml creates an xml file containing all the definitions from the header files. The xml files may be somewhat largish, for 'windows.h' it has more than 5 MB. Since the xml does not contain

Re: Windows GUIs from Python

2005-01-11 Thread Thomas Heller
Luke Skywalker [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: On Tue, 11 Jan 2005 12:55:42 -0600, Doug Holton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: You might also be interested in PyGUI although it doesn't have a native Windows implementation yet: Generally speaking, appart

Re: Is there any way/where to subscribe for automated PEP status emails?

2005-01-06 Thread Thomas Heller
Nick Coghlan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Thomas Heller wrote: You could probably subscribe to python-checkins, and filter it. Or read it via gmane. Hmm - can SF be used to setup a mailing list just for checkins to a single directory in the source tree? Yes. You should suggest this on python

Re: Is there any way/where to subscribe for automated PEP status emails?

2005-01-05 Thread Thomas Heller
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bengt Richter) writes: I find that threads sometimes mention PEPs that I wasn't aware of, or that an interesting one has been updated without my noticing. I should perhaps check the PEP site more regularly, but ISTM it shouldn't be that hard to implement an automated

Re: Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Dec 30)

2005-01-04 Thread Thomas Heller
Skip Montanaro [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: michele BTW what's the difference between .encode and .decode ? I started to answer, then got confused when I read the docstrings for unicode.encode and unicode.decode: help(u\xe4.decode) Help on built-in function decode:

Re: Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Dec 30)

2005-01-04 Thread Thomas Heller
Max M [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Thomas Heller wrote: It seems also the error messages aren't too helpful: ä.encode(latin-1) Traceback (most recent call last): File stdin, line 1, in ? UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0x84 in position 0: ordinal not in range(128) Hm

Re: [Hack] Import binary extensions from zipfiles, windows only

2005-01-04 Thread Thomas Heller
PJDM [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I'm trying to make ZopeX3 start faster by zipping up the zope directory. (Because this will be stored on a CD, having less data to read will make it quicker to start.) The standard python zipimporter won't work with the ZopeX3 .pyd files, so zipextimporter

Re: Unicode entries on sys.path

2004-12-29 Thread Thomas Heller
Martin v. Löwis [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Thomas Heller wrote: How should these patches be approached? Please have a look as to how posixmodule.c and fileobject.c deal with this issue. On windows, it would probably be easiest to use the MS generic text routines: _tcslen instead of strlen

Re: what would you like to see in a 2nd edition Nutshell?

2004-12-29 Thread Thomas Heller
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alex Martelli) writes: I'm considering proposing to O'Reilly a 2nd edition of Python in a Nutshell, that I'd write in 2005, essentially to cover Python 2.3 and 2.4 (the current 1st edition only covers Python up to 2.2). What I have in mind is not as complete a rewrite as

Re: Unicode entries on sys.path

2004-12-27 Thread Thomas Heller
Martin v. Löwis [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Thomas Heller wrote: It seems that Python itself converts unicode entries in sys.path to normal strings using windows default conversion rules - is this a problem that I can fix by changing some regional setting on my machine? You can set the system

Unicode entries on sys.path

2004-12-23 Thread Thomas Heller
I was trying to track down a bug in py2exe where the executable did not work when it is in a directory containing japanese characters. Then, I discovered that part of the problem is in the zipimporter that py2exe uses, and finally I found that it didn't even work in Python itself. If the entry

Re: Problem with msvcrt60 vs. msvcr71 vs. strdup/free

2004-12-21 Thread Thomas Heller
Gerhard Haering [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hello, I used to build Python extension modules with mingw. Now, Python has switched to the MSVCR71 runtime with version 2.4, and I thought mingw has support for this. But I get problems with symbols being referenced from the wrong DLLs. You can

Re: Boo who? (was Re: newbie question)

2004-12-21 Thread Thomas Heller
A.M. Kuchling [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: On Tue, 21 Dec 2004 08:22:51 -0800, Roger Binns [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: That work died due to a crisis of faith: rolls eyes Soon it will be possible to become a well-known

Re: [ANN] [Hack] Import binary extensions from zipfiles, windows only

2004-12-17 Thread Thomas Heller
Delaney, Timothy C (Timothy) [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Thomas Heller wrote: contains the ZipExtImporter class which allows to load Python binary extension modules contained in a zip.archive, without unpacking them to the file system. I take it this was what you were

[ANN] [Hack] Import binary extensions from zipfiles, windows only

2004-12-16 Thread Thomas Heller
Warning: experimental code! Overview contains the ZipExtImporter class which allows to load Python binary extension modules contained in a zip.archive, without unpacking them to the file system. Call the zipextimporter.install() function to install the import hook,

Re: Why are tuples immutable?

2004-12-16 Thread Thomas Heller
Fredrik Lundh [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Antoon Pardon wrote: That depends on whether the programmes wants value equality or identity equality. how does the dictionary know if you want key value equality or key identity equality? Smalltalk has separate Dictionary and IdentityDictionary

Re: Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Dec 2)

2004-12-02 Thread Thomas Heller
Gerrit [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Cameron Laird wrote: Subject: Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Dec 2) What is the frequency of the weekly Python-URL? (-; According to the name, about 1.6 µHz. Thomas --

Re: Python Win32 Silent Install

2004-12-01 Thread Thomas Heller
Matt Gerrans [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Looks like the installer for the Win32 extensions has changed from Wise to distutils, so now my automated silent installations don't work anymore. Anyone know if the distutils binary installer can be run silently?I haven't been able find a command

Re: Class methods in Python/C?

2004-11-30 Thread Thomas Heller
Jp Calderone [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: On Tue, 30 Nov 2004 22:39:15 +1000, Nick Coghlan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Craig Ringer wrote: Hi folks I've been doing some looking around, but have been unable to find out how to implement class methods on Python objects written in C. Why are

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