Turns out the first msg I sent did not reach the list, so I'll just post
what I've achieved by now:
class DecoratorDummy(object): pass
class InheritedDecoratorType(type):
def __new__(cls, name, bases, dct):
# return if its a clas
Thanks for pointing out all those mistakes. I think I'm already starting
to grasp all of the python magic going on in there.
Parenthetical: I don't normally recommend this style, since it
obscures the fact that you're using a custom metaclass to the user.
That is something the user probably wou
I would like to create a Decorator metaclass, which automatically
turns a class which inherits from the "Decorator" type into a
A decorator in this case, is simply a class which has all of its
decorator implementation inside a decorator() method. Every other
attribute access is being