
I have a real newbie question here. New to Python, and am trying to  
learn it on  Mac and WinXP.

On the Mac I find Python already installed and I downloaded the  
package. I tested the version in Terminal by typing 'python' and get  
Python 2.3.5 (#1, Mar 20 2005, 20:38:20). - Looks fine to me.

On WinXP I open a command line and type 'python' and get 'PYTHON' is  
not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

So I downloaded the Python 2.4.2 install package and installed it in XP.

I go to a command line prompt and type 'python' and still get the  
error. - not good.

However if I execute the python.exe as found in the download folder I  
get python in a command line looking window. But not at the regular c  

If I drag the python.exe to the command line C:\DOCUME~1\THOMAS~1> it  
then gives me the correct 2.4.2 info.

I expected after the install that at the regular prompt I could type  
'python' and it would show up like on the mac side.

Is this normal or did I do something wrong during install?

Any newbie help is appreciated,


Thomas J McGrath III

Lazy River Software™ - http://www.lazyriversoftware.com

Lazy River Metal Art™ - http://www.lazyriversoftware.com/metal.html

Meeting Wear™ - http://www.cafepress.com/meetingwear

Semantic Compaction Systems - http://www.minspeak.com

SCIconics, LLC - http://www.sciconics.com/sciindex.html


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