object's list index

2006-03-03 Thread William Meyer
hi, I need to get the index of an object in a list. I know that no two objects in the list are the same, but objects might evaluate as equal. for example list = [obj1, obj2, obj3, obj4, obj5] for object in list: objectIndex = list.index(object) print objectIndex prints 0, 1, 2, 3,

Re: object's list index

2006-03-03 Thread William Meyer
Iain King iainking at gmail.com writes: what's wrong with: i = 0 for object in list: objectIndex = i print objectIndex i += 1 Iain The issues with that is you might have a complex structure below the for object in list: with lots of continues or breaks and you don't

Re: object's list index

2006-03-03 Thread William Meyer
Kent Johnson kent at kentsjohnson.com writes: In either case enumerate() is your friend. To find an item by identity: def index_by_id(lst, o): for i, item in enumerate(lst): if item is o: return i raise ValueError, %s not in list % o If you just want the index

Shell Navigation

2006-03-02 Thread William Meyer
I am having trouble with the python interactive shell. The arrow keys render as ^[[D, ^[[A, etc making line editing impossible. The arrow keys (and function keys) work fine in bash, but in the python shell they are printed. Any ideas what is going on? --

Re: Shell Navigation

2006-03-02 Thread William Meyer
Simon Brunning simon at brunningonline.net writes: Sounds like a readline problem. Your OS? How did you install Python? Yea, that was it. I just had to copy readline.so from another installation. Thanks for the quick reply -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

comple list slices

2006-02-28 Thread William Meyer
Hi, I have a list of rows which contains a list of cells (from a html table), and I want to create an array of logical row groups (ie group rows by the rowspan). I am only concerned with checking the rowspan of specific columns, so that makes it easier, but I am having trouble implementing it in

Re: comple list slices

2006-02-28 Thread William Meyer
shandy.b at gmail.com writes: A couple questions: 1- what is j? 2- what does the rows[x][y] object look like? I assume it's a dict that has a rowspan key. Can rows[x][y][rowspan] sometimes be 0? Perhaps you're looking for something like this: rowgroups = [] rowspan = 0 for i in

Re: comple list slices

2006-02-28 Thread William Meyer
johnzenger at gmail.com writes: Python lets you iterate through a list using an integer index, too, although if you do so we will make fun of you. You can accomplish it with a while loop, as in: i = 0 while i len(rows): if rows[i] == This code looks like BASIC without the WEND,

Re: comple list slices

2006-02-28 Thread William Meyer
johnzenger at gmail.com writes: Although I don't know if this is faster or more efficient than your current solution, it does look cooler: def grouprows(inrows): rows = [] rows[:] = inrows # makes a copy because we're going to be deleting while len(rows) 0: