Hello everyone !
First of all, excuse me for my horrible English.

I am an electronics engineering student, trying to use raspberry pi for one of 
my projects.
Meanwhile, my goal is simply to create a pair of files, written in python, 
which would do the following:

A file named "sensors.py" imports varying values from physical sensors. These 
values are constantly changing. 
(At this point - I intend to change them manually):

def import_soilMoisture():
        soilMoisture = 40 # Later - Imports value from corresponding RPi's GPIO
        return soilMoisture

def import_airTemperture():
        airTemperture = 24 # Later - Imports value from corresponding RPi's GPIO
        return airTemperture

def import_airHumidity():
        airHumidity = 69 # Later - Imports value from corresponding RPi's GPIO
        return airHumidity

A second file, named "main.py" is intended to import and print the values from 

import time

def main():
        while True:
                import sensors

As you can see, I want the program to print all values each 5 seconds.
When I run the file "main.py" it does print values every 5 seconds, BUT when I 
manually change
the values (e.g. airTemperture = 30 instead of 24) and save the file, nothing 
changes - 
the old values keep on printing.

[b]Help me please to understand what's wrong[/b]
[i]For who it may concern: My OS is Debian[/i]

Thanks to you all in advance!! :) :D

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