Hi! :)

Im new to python, and I have made a electronic diary - its just a
task. Here is the code:

The bug is (feel free to download and test it) that i can't see what i
wrote in the diary without restarting the program. Here is an example:

1: I start the program
2: (text.txt is empty)
3: I write "hello, how are you?" with the writing-function in the
4; I use the read-all-function in the program.
5: There is no entries in the diary. But if I restart the program, I
can read the file.

The strange thing is that if i watch the file contents while im using
the program, I see that i add the line "hello, how are you?" to the
file, but i can't read it with the read-function.

Can this be a problem with file-pointers? And how can i solve it?

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