Hey I just got my web server up and running yesterday morning. I have
decided to give away free online storage space to everyone. Hell have
as many accounts as you want. I limit 5 GB per account. Im testing the
load on my server and ask that everyone help me out and upload anything
you want. When this becomes a paid service I will give unlimited space
to all you that help me out with the test.

 there are no downloads needed due to it is all web based

 Currently I have 1,384 accounts within the last 24 hours. Over 1,860
GBs have been transfered both ways. the upload and download speed are 5
MB up and 5 MB down due to a really fast fiber optic system. I have
500,000 GB's to give out so hurry up and get yours!!!

  ---> To get your free account to directly to the server address -->

 and click on "I want to register" You will get an instant FREE
account. Ignore the 50 MB quota message. It has been disabled.

 for more information on the company in the making go to


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