Hello Sir!

First, thank you for creating this tool.

next, I would recommend perltidy as a program to emulate.  I'll paste the 
output of perltidy --help below.


I could probably write a wrapper script to do this if you'd like.



$ perltidy --help
This is perltidy version 20140328, a perl script indenter.  Usage:

    perltidy [ options ] file1 file2 file3 ...
            (output goes to file1.tdy, file2.tdy, file3.tdy, ...)
    perltidy [ options ] file1 -o outfile
    perltidy [ options ] file1 -st >outfile
    perltidy [ options ] <infile >outfile

Options have short and long forms. Short forms are shown; see
man pages for long forms.  Note: '=s' indicates a required string,
and '=n' indicates a required integer.

I/O control
 -h      show this help
 -o=file name of the output file (only if single input file)
 -oext=s change output extension from 'tdy' to s
 -opath=path  change path to be 'path' for output files
 -b      backup original to .bak and modify file in-place
 -bext=s change default backup extension from 'bak' to s
 -q      deactivate error messages (for running under editor)
 -w      include non-critical warning messages in the .ERR error output
 -syn    run perl -c to check syntax (default under unix systems)
 -log    save .LOG file, which has useful diagnostics
 -f      force perltidy to read a binary file
 -g      like -log but writes more detailed .LOG file, for debugging scripts
 -opt    write the set of options actually used to a .LOG file
 -npro   ignore .perltidyrc configuration command file 
 -pro=file   read configuration commands from file instead of .perltidyrc 
 -st     send output to standard output, STDOUT
 -se     send all error output to standard error output, STDERR
 -v      display version number to standard output and quit

Basic Options:
 -i=n    use n columns per indentation level (default n=4)
 -t      tabs: use one tab character per indentation level, not recommeded
 -nt     no tabs: use n spaces per indentation level (default)
 -et=n   entab leading whitespace n spaces per tab; not recommended
 -io     "indent only": just do indentation, no other formatting.
 -sil=n  set starting indentation level to n;  use if auto detection fails
 -ole=s  specify output line ending (s=dos or win, mac, unix)
 -ple    keep output line endings same as input (input must be filename)

Whitespace Control
 -fws    freeze whitespace; this disables all whitespace changes
           and disables the following switches:
 -bt=n   sets brace tightness,  n= (0 = loose, 1=default, 2 = tight)
 -bbt    same as -bt but for code block braces; same as -bt if not given
 -bbvt   block braces vertically tight; use with -bl or -bli
 -bbvtl=s  make -bbvt to apply to selected list of block types
 -pt=n   paren tightness (n=0, 1 or 2)
 -sbt=n  square bracket tightness (n=0, 1, or 2)
 -bvt=n  brace vertical tightness, 
         n=(0=open, 1=close unless multiple steps on a line, 2=always close)
 -pvt=n  paren vertical tightness (see -bvt for n)
 -sbvt=n square bracket vertical tightness (see -bvt for n)
 -bvtc=n closing brace vertical tightness: 
         n=(0=open, 1=sometimes close, 2=always close)
 -pvtc=n closing paren vertical tightness, see -bvtc for n.
 -sbvtc=n closing square bracket vertical tightness, see -bvtc for n.
 -ci=n   sets continuation indentation=n,  default is n=2 spaces
 -lp     line up parentheses, brackets, and non-BLOCK braces
 -sfs    add space before semicolon in for( ; ; )
 -aws    allow perltidy to add whitespace (default)
 -dws    delete all old non-essential whitespace 
 -icb    indent closing brace of a code block
 -cti=n  closing indentation of paren, square bracket, or non-block brace: 
         n=0 none, =1 align with opening, =2 one full indentation level
 -icp    equivalent to -cti=2
 -wls=s  want space left of tokens in string; i.e. -nwls='+ - * /'
 -wrs=s  want space right of tokens in string;
 -sts    put space before terminal semicolon of a statement
 -sak=s  put space between keywords given in s and '(';
 -nsak=s no space between keywords in s and '('; i.e. -nsak='my our local'

Line Break Control
 -fnl    freeze newlines; this disables all line break changes
            and disables the following switches:
 -anl    add newlines;  ok to introduce new line breaks
 -bbs    add blank line before subs and packages
 -bbc    add blank line before block comments
 -bbb    add blank line between major blocks
 -kbl=n  keep old blank lines? 0=no, 1=some, 2=all
 -mbl=n  maximum consecutive blank lines to output (default=1)
 -ce     cuddled else; use this style: '} else {'
 -dnl    delete old newlines (default)
 -l=n    maximum line length;  default n=80
 -bl     opening brace on new line 
 -sbl    opening sub brace on new line.  value of -bl is used if not given.
 -bli    opening brace on new line and indented
 -bar    opening brace always on right, even for long clauses
 -vt=n   vertical tightness (requires -lp); n controls break after opening
         token: 0=never  1=no break if next line balanced   2=no break
 -vtc=n  vertical tightness of closing container; n controls if closing
         token starts new line: 0=always  1=not unless list  1=never
 -wba=s  want break after tokens in string; i.e. wba=': .'
 -wbb=s  want break before tokens in string

Following Old Breakpoints
 -kis    keep interior semicolons.  Allows multiple statements per line.
 -boc    break at old comma breaks: turns off all automatic list formatting
 -bol    break at old logical breakpoints: or, and, ||, && (default)
 -bok    break at old list keyword breakpoints such as map, sort (default)
 -bot    break at old conditional (ternary ?:) operator breakpoints (default)
 -boa    break at old attribute breakpoints 
 -cab=n  break at commas after a comma-arrow (=>):
         n=0 break at all commas after =>
         n=1 stable: break unless this breaks an existing one-line container
         n=2 break only if a one-line container cannot be formed
         n=3 do not treat commas after => specially at all

Comment controls
 -ibc    indent block comments (default)
 -isbc   indent spaced block comments; may indent unless no leading space
 -msc=n  minimum desired spaces to side comment, default 4
 -fpsc=n fix position for side comments; default 0;
 -csc    add or update closing side comments after closing BLOCK brace
 -dcsc   delete closing side comments created by a -csc command
 -cscp=s change closing side comment prefix to be other than '## end'
 -cscl=s change closing side comment to apply to selected list of blocks
 -csci=n minimum number of lines needed to apply a -csc tag, default n=6
 -csct=n maximum number of columns of appended text, default n=20 
 -cscw   causes warning if old side comment is overwritten with -csc

 -sbc    use 'static block comments' identified by leading '##' (default)
 -sbcp=s change static block comment identifier to be other than '##'
 -osbc   outdent static block comments

 -ssc    use 'static side comments' identified by leading '##' (default)
 -sscp=s change static side comment identifier to be other than '##'

Delete selected text
 -dac    delete all comments AND pod
 -dbc    delete block comments     
 -dsc    delete side comments  
 -dp     delete pod

Send selected text to a '.TEE' file
 -tac    tee all comments AND pod
 -tbc    tee block comments       
 -tsc    tee side comments       
 -tp     tee pod           

 -olq    outdent long quoted strings (default) 
 -olc    outdent a long block comment line
 -ola    outdent statement labels
 -okw    outdent control keywords (redo, next, last, goto, return)
 -okwl=s specify alternative keywords for -okw command

Other controls
 -mft=n  maximum fields per table; default n=40
 -x      do not format lines before hash-bang line (i.e., for VMS)
 -asc    allows perltidy to add a ';' when missing (default)
 -dsm    allows perltidy to delete an unnecessary ';'  (default)

Combinations of other parameters
 -gnu     attempt to follow GNU Coding Standards as applied to perl
 -mangle  remove as many newlines as possible (but keep comments and pods)
 -extrude  insert as many newlines as possible

Dump and die, debugging
 -dop    dump options used in this run to standard output and quit
 -ddf    dump default options to standard output and quit
 -dsn    dump all option short names to standard output and quit
 -dln    dump option long names to standard output and quit
 -dpro   dump whatever configuration file is in effect to standard output
 -dtt    dump all token types to standard output and quit

 -html write an html file (see 'man perl2web' for many options)
       Note: when -html is used, no indentation or formatting are done.
       Hint: try perltidy -html -css=mystyle.css filename.pl
       and edit mystyle.css to change the appearance of filename.html.
       -nnn gives line numbers
       -pre only writes out <pre>..</pre> code section
       -toc places a table of contents to subs at the top (default)
       -pod passes pod text through pod2html (default)
       -frm write html as a frame (3 files)
       -text=s extra extension for table of contents if -frm, default='toc'
       -sext=s extra extension for file content if -frm, default='src'

A prefix of "n" negates short form toggle switches, and a prefix of "no"
negates the long forms.  For example, -nasc means don't add missing

If you are unable to see this entire text, try "perltidy -h | more"
For more detailed information, and additional options, try "man perltidy",
or go to the perltidy home page at http://perltidy.sourceforge.net

On Thursday, November 30, 2006 at 6:52:40 PM UTC-8, Chuck Rhode wrote:
> Thomas Heller wrote this on Thu, Nov 30, 2006 at 09:50:25PM +0100.  My
> reply is below.
> > The two things that bother me at the moment are how the comments are
> > formatted (dunno if that can be customized or changed easily), and
> > it would be good if the script took command line args instead of
> > working as a filter only.
> Thank you for trying PythonTidy.
> o Command-line args: Please give an example of a standard command that
> I might emulate w.r.t. standard argument use.
> o Comments: Input is parsed twice: I use *tokenize.generate_tokens* to
> extract the comments and *compiler.parse* to generate the Abstract
> Syntax Tree (AST).  Other applications usually use the AST to generate
> bytecode, so it contains no information about comments.  The tokens
> list identifies keywords (and comments and some whitespace) but
> doesn't group them into statements.  I need both: comments *and*
> functional grouping.  Fortunately both the AST and the tokens list
> carry line numbers to reference the source.  Unfortunately the AST
> line numbers are relative to functional groups and do not necessarily
> apply to the particular keywords that introduce each group.  This
> makes fixing the position of comments relative to reconstructed code a
> bit of a challenge.  For example, when a comment has a line number in
> the beginning/ending range of what would normally be considered one
> command, I have to assume it is an inline comment regardless of how it
> may have appeared in the original code.
> Out-of-line comments should appear pretty much as they did in the
> original code, however.  Can you provide an example where they do not?
> Would you prefer that they be left justified or wrapped?  >-~
> Doc strings (for modules, class declarations, and functions) are
> another matter.  PythonTidy should not mess with them (unless
> LEFTJUST_DOC_STRINGS is True).  They should appear exactly as
> originally written.
> I was taught that code ought to be self documenting and that comments
> more often than not diminish readability by padding the code beyond
> what can be comprehended on one page (screen).  I use them only
> minimally and am not greatly inconvenienced when they are moved around
> a little.
> -- 
> .. Chuck Rhode, Sheboygan, WI, USA
> .. Weather:  http://LacusVeris.com/WX
> .. 21° -- Wind N 8 mph

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