Re: Compression of random binary data

2017-10-26 Thread danceswithnumbers
Shouldn't that be? py> 16 * (-7/16 * math.log2(7/16) - 6/16 * math.log2(6/16)) = --

Re: Compression of random binary data

2017-10-26 Thread danceswithnumbers
It looks like that averages my two examples. H by the way that equation is really coolwhy does it return a high bit count when compared to >>>dec to bin? --

Re: Compression of random binary data

2017-10-26 Thread danceswithnumbers
Thomas Jollans On 2017-10-25 23:22, wrote:  > With every transform the entropy changes,  That's only true if the "transform" loses or adds information.  If it loses information, that's lossy compression, which is only useful  in very specific (but also extremely common)

Re: Compression of random binary data

2017-10-25 Thread danceswithnumbers
So if the theoretical min compression limit (log2(n)*(x)) has a 3% margin but your transform has a less than 3% inflate rate at most then there is room for the transform to compress below the theoretical min. With every transform the entropy changes, the potential for greater compression also

Re: Compression of random binary data

2017-10-25 Thread danceswithnumbers
Whatever you do, you'll find that *on average* you will need *at least* 34 bits to be able to represent all possible 10-digit decimal numbers. Some might be shorter, but then others will be longer, and the average won't be less than 34. The theoretical limit for arbitrary numbers 0 - 9 must

Re: Compression of random binary data

2017-10-24 Thread danceswithnumbers
No leading zeroes are being dropped offwish this board has an edit button. --

Re: Compression of random binary data

2017-10-24 Thread danceswithnumbers
Greg, you're very smart, but you are missing a big key. I'm not padding, you are still thinking inside the box, and will never solve this by doing so. Yes! At least you see my accomplishment, this will compress any random file. --

Re: Compression of random binary data

2017-10-23 Thread danceswithnumbers
I did that quite a while ago. 352,954 kb. --

Re: Compression of random binary data

2017-10-23 Thread danceswithnumbers
Finally figured out how to turn this into a random binary compression program. Since my transform can compress more than dec to binary. Then i took a random binary stream, changed it to a decimal stream 0-9 tranformed it into a compressed/encrypted binary stream 23.7% smaller. Yes! Decode

Re: Compression of random binary data

2017-10-23 Thread danceswithnumbers
Wow, do programmers actually use zscii. That is huge. So much wated space. --

Re: Compression of random binary data

2017-10-23 Thread danceswithnumbers
Good point I hope it has a use, other than a cute toyi don't see it yet. --

Re: Compression of random binary data

2017-10-23 Thread danceswithnumbers
Thanks Paul...blunt to the point. My 8 year old can decode this back into base 10, i still have to help him a bit going from base 10 to 8 bit bytesit's incredibly simple to decode. No dictionary, can easily be done with pencil and paper, does not rely on redundancies. Jon Hutton --

Re: Compression of random binary data

2017-10-23 Thread danceswithnumbers
Just trying to find a practical application for this alg. Not real useful as it stands now. Jon Hutton --

Re: Compression of random binary data

2017-10-23 Thread danceswithnumbers
I'm really not trolling, and even though some are sarcastic i sm learning from your comments. Dec to bin is not bad at removing wasted space, but there is a better way. Here is an example. How would you compress these numbers. If you look for redundancy and then code to a bulky dictionary or

Re: Compression of random binary data

2017-10-23 Thread danceswithnumbers
I really do not think this has a value besides being a trinket or cute toy. Like i said i can not see how it can be adapted to work as a rand binary compression only works with 0-9 in any seq. It's taken me six years to solve, but so what. Jon Hutton --

Re: Compression of random binary data

2017-10-23 Thread danceswithnumbers
According to this website. This is an uncompressable stream. 12344321 It only takes seven 8 bit bytes to represent this --

Re: Compression of random binary data

2017-10-23 Thread danceswithnumbers
Ridiculous? Ludicrous?? Harsh words! First let me clarify before you lump this in with perpetual motion, or cold fusion. It is a mapping solution to compress ANY i repeat ANY random file with numbers of only 0 - 9 such as are in the million rand numbers page. Entirely possible. Since i did it,

Re: Compression of random binary data

2017-10-22 Thread danceswithnumbers
On Monday, July 11, 2016 at 11:52:27 AM UTC-6, wrote: > What kind of statistic law or mathematical conjecture or is it even a > physical law is violated by compression of random binary data? > > I only know that Shanon theorised it could not be done, but were there any >

Re: Compression of random binary data

2017-10-22 Thread danceswithnumbers
In Short, I cannot find a single mathematical proof that says you cannot compress random numbers. Pigeon hole and other conjectures are just that. In fact, the biggest fallacy when people start talking about compression is to say that all compression alg rely on redundancies, or repetitive