Re: Lightweight Python distribute it in under 2MBs for Win32

2005-08-23 Thread fred.dixon
long delay on reply due to pc death. i made a simple gui that picked paragraphs from a file with wxpython. using py2exe i bundled the program then packaged it with INNO install. it was 3megs. now its about 4 megs after a revision. I give you the source if you want. it uses python 241 and the

Re: Lightweight Python distribute it in under 2MBs for Win32

2005-08-12 Thread fred.dixon
30meg for wx ? mine is under 3meg, compressed --

Re: wxPython field validation

2005-07-20 Thread fred.dixon
why not validate then put cursor back into that field until satisfied. might use the lost focus (cant remember exact name right now) --

Re: dynamically generating temporary files through python/cgi

2005-04-28 Thread fred.dixon
import tempfile works under windows and linux --

Re: py2exe - create one EXE

2005-04-19 Thread fred.dixon
what about trying cx_freeze --

Re: sort of a beginner question about globals

2005-04-16 Thread fred.dixon
just read the ne stuuf. i went to DIP right after work anf found in nice intro to unittest. not to bad (i thinK) now that I can see it work) --

Re: sort of a beginner question about globals

2005-04-14 Thread fred.dixon
when i am roughing out my functions and classes i out a pass statement as my first line just as a place holder and a convenient place to put a break when i am testing. no other good reason. --

Re: sort of a beginner question about globals

2005-04-13 Thread fred.dixon
I want to use OPTIONS as a global var. In this particular case I am trying to set a global debug constant so I can have some debug logging happen when my program is run with a -debug option. what will actuall end up in OPTIONS is OPTIONS.debug = True as i am using optparse module. --

Re: sort of a beginner question about globals

2005-04-13 Thread fred.dixon
how would i use the following if OPTIONS was in a module ? --- from optparse import OptionParser usage = usage: %prog [options] arg parser = OptionParser(usage) parser.add_option(-d, --debug, ction=store_true, dest=verbose) (OPTIONS = parser.parse_args() ps Im not anywhere

Re: sort of a beginner question about globals

2005-04-13 Thread fred.dixon
ok I'm sorry, I'm not sure what your doing there. if i have to guess it looks like yo might me modifying the imported modules dict with another dict. isn't there a way i can just assign to a var and have it seen no matter what part of the code is currently executing ? --

Re: sort of a beginner question about globals

2005-04-13 Thread fred.dixon
it seems that i can import __main__ where i set the global and then access the var from my local func. is ther any gotcha's involveld in this ? --

Re: sort of a beginner question about globals

2005-04-13 Thread fred.dixon
this is what i am using to test with. my program is not much more involved just longer and with a GUI. I did test it and everything works, just wondered if there was something evil and bad about importing main. # import global2 import

sort of a beginner question about globals

2005-04-12 Thread fred.dixon
i have read the book and searched the group too -- im not gettin it. i want to read a global (OPTIONS) from file1 from a class method (func1) in file2 i want to understand how this works. -- import

Re: Avoiding DOS Window...

2005-04-11 Thread fred.dixon
Launching a subprocess without a console window --

Re: The convenient compiler for Python Apps and Distribution of it

2005-04-11 Thread fred.dixon
google for cx_freeze nevermind, here linux and windows --

Re: terminating an inactive process

2005-04-05 Thread fred.dixon
if you have pywin32 then check out a download from MS download called script-o-matic2. it will write some boilerplate code that is usefull for killing processes. its wmi based but works nicely. i have a script that i run on my home computer if you want a sample. --

Re: terminating an inactive process

2005-04-02 Thread fred.dixon
i use this to open/close netscape as it also doesnt like to close all the time. its a WMI script but easiely edited. check out script-o-matic from ms-downloads , it outputs python code as well as others. ## strComputer = . Set