On Dec 12, 10:15 am, noydb <jenn.du...@gmail.com> wrote:
> All,
> I have the code below, which unzips a zipfile containing only one
> file.  Once it is unzipped, I want to rename the file based on a user
> provided name.  But I get this (WindowsError: [Error 32] The process
> cannot access the file because it is being used by another process)
> error, which does not make sense to me as no other apps are open.
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks!
> ****CODE****
> # Declare the zip file directory and name (shouldn't change, in a
> permanent location)
> mdb_zip = ("C:\\ProjWork\\mdb_geoDB_91.zip")
> output_dir = ("C:\\Temp")
> # ZipFile for read
> z = zipfile.ZipFile(mdb_zip, 'r')
> zFile = z.namelist()
> # Put contents of zipfile into a list
> zList = z.namelist()
> # Loop thru list, write zipfile contents to new directory
> for zItem in zList:
>     print "Unpacking",zItem
>     zRead = z.read(zItem)
>     z1File = open(os.path.join(output_dir, zItem),'wb')
>     z1File.write(zRead)
>     z1File.close

> print "Finished extracting zip file"
> uChoice = "test44.mdb" ## to be user chosen someday
> new91mdb = os.path.join(output_dir, zItem) # C:\TEMP\GDB_9_1.mdb
> ##os.rename(new91mdb, (os.path.join(output_dir, uChoice)))
> os.rename(new91mdb, (os.path.join(output_dir, "C:\TEMP\test1.mdb")))
> del new91mdb


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