Re: perl better than python for users with disabilities?

2006-12-20 Thread johnzenger
Blind programmers can use braille displays, which let them perceive indentation as easily as sighted programmers can. As for people with physical disabilities that have trouble typing, a Python-aware editor does the identation for you, so all you have to do is type a colon and

Re: error with IDLE on debian

2006-12-20 Thread johnzenger
Just a guess, but I think you need to be using at least Python 2.4 if you are going to use IDLE version 2.4.4-2. On Dec 20, 1:16 pm, altern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi when i try to run IDLE on my debian laptop I get this error. $ idle Traceback (most recent call last): File

Re: What am I supposed to do with an egg?!

2006-12-19 Thread johnzenger
Type sudo easy_install myeggfile.egg. If that gives you an error, then you don't have easy_install installed. Install it this way: sudo apt-get install python-setuptools On Dec 19, 3:44 pm, Morpheus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Windows I'm used to install packages by install. So did I

Re: regexp

2006-12-19 Thread johnzenger
You want re.sub((?s)!--.*?--, , htmldata) Explanation: To make the dot match all characters, including newlines, you need to set the DOTALL flag. You can set the flag using the (?_) syntax, which is explained in section 4.2.1 of the Python Library Reference. A more readable way to do this is:

Re: regexp

2006-12-19 Thread johnzenger
Oops, I mean obj.sub(, htmldata) On Dec 19, 4:15 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: You want re.sub((?s)!--.*?--, , htmldata) Explanation: To make the dot match all characters, including newlines, you need to set the DOTALL flag. You can set the flag using the (?_) syntax, which is explained in

Re: regexp

2006-12-19 Thread johnzenger
Not just Python, but every Regex engine works this way. You want a ? after your *, as in --(.*?)-- if you want it to catch the first available --. At this point in your adventure, you might be wondering whether regular expressions are more trouble than they are worth. They are. There are two

Re: a quickie: range - x

2006-11-29 Thread johnzenger
(x for x in xrange(N+1) if x != m) rjtucke wrote: I want an iterable from 0 to N except for element m (=M). I could write x = range(N) x.remove(m) but I want it in one expression. Thanks, Ross --

Re: Ruby/Python/REXX as a MUCK scripting language

2006-11-26 Thread johnzenger
Have you considered JavaScript Spidermonkey or JavaScript Rhino? Sandboxing is automatic, and lots of people know the language already (although fewer people are familiar with its dynamic object-oriented capabilities). Tony Belding wrote: I'm interested in using an off-the-shelf interpreted

Re: Python and CMS

2006-10-22 Thread johnzenger
For a free out of the box solution, look at MoinMoin. It is wiki software, but nothing stops you from turning off user signups, locking down the whole site, and just using it as a CMS. It's very easy to set up, can run as a CGI, and requires no database backend. Echo wrote: I am going to start

Re: why does this unpacking work

2006-10-20 Thread johnzenger
It's just sequence unpacking. Did you know that this works?: pair = (California,San Francisco) state, city = pair print city # 'San Francisco' print state # 'California' John Salerno wrote: I'm a little confused, but I'm sure this is something trivial. I'm confused about why this works: t

Re: Decorators and how they relate to Python - A little insight please!

2006-10-19 Thread johnzenger
When you want to repeatedly apply a certain ALGORITHM to arbitrary sets of DATA, you write a FUNCTION. When you want to add a certain BEHAVIOR to arbitrary sets of FUNCTIONS, you write a DECORATOR. An excellent use of decorators is in Django, the web programming framework. Django keeps track of

Re: Regular expression worries

2006-10-11 Thread johnzenger
You are opening the same file twice, reading its contents line-by-line into memory, replacing Document with Doc *in memory*, never writing that to disk, and then discarding the line you just read into memory. If your file is short, you could read the entire thing into memory as one string using

Re: extract certain values from file with re

2006-10-06 Thread johnzenger
Can you safely assume that the lines you want to extract all contain numbers, and that the lines you do not wish to extract do not contain numbers? If so, you could just use the Linux grep utility: grep '[0123456789]' filename Or, in Python: import re inf = file(your-filename-here.txt) outf =

Copyright lawyer advises be careful using Python?

2006-09-26 Thread johnzenger
I was scanning the 9/13/2006 issue of the Electronic Commerce Law Report, which is a newsletter for lawyers published by BNA. They have an article headlined Game Developers Making Tomorrow's Hits Face Host of Copyright Issues Along the Way, and the article is mostly a writeup of a speech given

Re: iterator question

2006-09-26 Thread johnzenger
def transform(seq, size): i = 0 while i len(seq): yield tuple(seq[i:i+size]) i += size Neal Becker wrote: Any suggestions for transforming the sequence: [1, 2, 3, 4...] Where 1,2,3.. are it the ith item in an arbitrary sequence into a succession of tuples: [(1,

Re: Splitting device addresses into parts

2006-09-26 Thread johnzenger
This may be a rare case where regular expressions are not a horrible, self-defeating idea. Something like: delimiter = re.compile([:\.]) delimiter.split(PCI:2:3.0) ...and then ignore the first entry, and map int the rest. Alternatively, if the delimiters can really be anything, and if there are

Re: Query regarding grep!!

2006-09-26 Thread johnzenger
You could also use itertools: import itertools import re find = re.compile(pattern) for line in itertools.ifilter(lambda x:, file(filepath)): print line Fredrik Lundh wrote: bhavya sg wrote: I saw in PEP4 of python 2.5 that grep module has gone obsolete in perl 2.5.

Re: Reading a file using a UNC - help!

2006-09-26 Thread johnzenger
You should use os.path.exists to test if a file exists. Your exception-catching structure is not necessary. Also, if the file you are reading from contains proper Windows filenames, it is not necessary to replace \ with \\ and so forth. The \ acts as an escape character only when it is in

Re: Newbie needs Help

2006-08-16 Thread johnzenger
Also, it may be easier to use string interpolation, as in: return INSERT INTO statecode (state, name) VALUES ('%(state)s', '%(name)s') % insert_dict ...after all necessary escaping, of course. John Machin wrote: len wrote: Hi all I am writing a python program that inserts records into a

Re: Python framework questions

2006-07-05 Thread johnzenger
mp wrote: Hello, I have a couple general questions. First, how do most web frameworks serve html? I'm coding in python and I want to keep all my html seperate from my python stuff. I can serve these html files from a mysql database or just from the file system, do people use both these

Re: string replace

2006-06-30 Thread johnzenger
Check out the .translate method and the string.maketrans documentation. You can use it to delete a list of characters all in one line: s = I am the walrus import string s.translate(string.maketrans(,),aeiou) 'I m th wlrs' Michele Petrazzo wrote: Hi, a lot of times I need to replace more

Re: hard to explain for a french ;-)

2006-06-23 Thread johnzenger
How about an effort to compile Python into JavaScript? Such an effort is underway for Scheme. Tim Chase wrote: As explained in this thread what you try to

Cross-site scripting (XSS) defense

2006-06-16 Thread johnzenger
Is there a module (or, better yet, sample code) that scrubs user-entered text to remove cross-site scripting attacks, while also allowing a small subset of HTML through? Contemplated application: a message board that allows people to use b, a href=, i and so on, but does not allow any javascript,

Re: newb: comapring two strings

2006-05-18 Thread johnzenger
manstey wrote: Hi, Is there a clever way to see if two strings of the same length vary by only one character, and what the character is in both strings. You want zip. def diffbyonlyone(string1, string2): diffcount = 0 for c1, c2 in zip(string1, string2): if c1 != c2:

Re: constucting a lookup table

2006-05-16 Thread johnzenger
How about a dictionary, keyed on tuples of (height, weight)? [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I'm new to Python and want to contruct a lookup table which would be similar to a spreadsheet in that a value is read along the first column, then along the top row, and the intersection of the two gives a

Re: regex help

2006-05-16 Thread johnzenger
Why not use split instead of regular expressions? ln = 3232 23 9 9 - 9 9 - 911 110 ln.split() ['32', '32', '23', '9', '9', '-', '9', '9', '-', '9', '11', '1', '10'] Much simpler, yes? Just find the line that comes after a line that begins

Re: Help System For Python Applications

2006-05-16 Thread johnzenger
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On a related note, is there a way to fire up Adobe's Acorbat Reader or and Web Browser from Python and have the external application open a specified PDF or HTML file? (For example, I want to open the file myhelp.pdf in reader from Python code.) The webbrowser module

Re: Gettings subdirectories

2006-05-03 Thread johnzenger
It's a bit overkill, but consider using os.walk. root, dirnames, filenames = os.walk(rC:\).next() # (in real code, you'd want to catch exceptions here) print dirnames Florian Lindner wrote: Hello, how can I get all subdirectories of a given directories? os.listdir() gives me all entries and

Re: Possibly dumb question about dicts and __hash__()

2006-05-03 Thread johnzenger
Use __repr__. Behold: class NamedThing(object): def __init__(self, name): = name def __repr__(self): return a = NamedThing(Delaware) b = NamedThing(Hawaii) d = {} d[a] = 1 d[b] = 50 print d {Delaware: 1, Hawaii: 50} d[a] 1 d[b] 50

Re: Possibly dumb question about dicts and __hash__()

2006-05-03 Thread johnzenger
Actually, come to think of it, __str__ works just as well. class NamedThing(object): def __init__(self, name): = name def __str__(self): return d = {} d[a] = 1 d[b] = 50 d {__main__.NamedThing object at 0x00C528D0: 1, __main__.NamedThing object

Re: Regular Expression help

2006-04-27 Thread johnzenger
If you are parsing HTML, it may make more sense to use a package designed especially for that purpose, like Beautiful Soup. --

Re: Regular Expression help

2006-04-27 Thread johnzenger
If what you need is simple, regular expressions are almost never the answer. And how simple can it be if you are posting here? :) BeautifulSoup isn't all that hard. Observe: from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup html = '10:00am - 11:00am:/b a href=/tvpdb?d=tvpid=167540528[snip]The Price

Re: scanning for numerals / letters

2006-04-19 Thread johnzenger
First, note that form[date] is all you need. form[date].value is redundant. I would do this with sets: import string if set(form[date]) set(string.ascii_letters) != set([]): print You have to enter a date with numbers if set(form[purchases]) set(string.digits) != set([]): print Please do not

Re: local greediness ???

2006-04-19 Thread johnzenger
How about using the numbers as delimiters: pat = re.compile(r[\d\.\-]+) pat.split([(some text)2.3(more text)4.5(more text here)]) ['[(some text)', '(more text)', '(more text here)]'] pat.findall([(some text)2.3(more text)4.5(more text here)]) ['2.3', '4.5'] pat.split([(xxx)11.0(bbb\))8.9(end

Re: regular expressions and matches

2006-03-30 Thread johnzenger
Johhny wrote: Hello, I have recently written a small function that will verify that an IP address is valid. ==SNIP== import re ipAddress = raw_input('IP Address : ') def validateIP(ipAddress): ipRegex =

Re: recursive map on nested list

2006-03-21 Thread johnzenger
Uglier than yours, but down to two lines: def recur_map(f, data): return [ not hasattr(x, __iter__) and f(x) or recur_map(f, x) for x in data ] --

Re: trying to find repeated substrings with regular expression

2006-03-13 Thread johnzenger
Robert Dodier wrote: I've decided it's easier for me just to search for FOO, and then break up the string based on the locations of FOO. But I'd like to better understand regular expressions. Those who cannot learn regular expressions are doomed to repeat string searches. Which is not such

Re: time series calculation in list comprehension?

2006-03-10 Thread johnzenger
falcon wrote: Is there a way I can do time series calculation, such as a moving average in list comprehension syntax? I'm new to python but it looks like list comprehension's 'head' can only work at a value at a time. I also tried using the reduce function and passed in my list and another

Re: Help - just a few lines of code needed

2006-03-06 Thread johnzenger
There is some fine permutation code in the cookbook. Take a look at . You can easily code something like: # xcombinations from the cookbook def xcombinations(items, n): if n==0: yield [] else: for i in

Re: Searching for uniqness in a list of data

2006-03-01 Thread johnzenger
You can come quite close to what you want without splitting the string at all. It sounds like you are asking the user to build up a string, and you want to keep checking through your list to find any items that begin with the string built up by the user. Try something like this: mylist =

Re: comple list slices

2006-02-28 Thread johnzenger
Python lets you iterate through a list using an integer index, too, although if you do so we will make fun of you. You can accomplish it with a while loop, as in: i = 0 while i len(rows): if rows[i] == This code looks like BASIC without the WEND, doesn't it?: rowgroups.append(Pretty

Re: Vectorization and Numeric (Newbie)

2006-02-28 Thread johnzenger
map takes a function and a list, applies the function to each item in a list, and returns the result list. For example: def f(x): return x + 4 numbers = [4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42] map(f, numbers) [8, 12, 19, 20, 27, 46] So, rather that ask if there is a different way to write f, I'd just use f

Re: comple list slices

2006-02-28 Thread johnzenger
Although I don't know if this is faster or more efficient than your current solution, it does look cooler: def grouprows(inrows): rows = [] rows[:] = inrows # makes a copy because we're going to be deleting while len(rows) 0: rowspan = rows[0][rowspan] yield

Re: comple list slices

2006-02-28 Thread johnzenger
You don't need to copy the list; but if you don't, your original list will be emptied. Len(rows) recalculates each time the while loop begins. Now that I think of it, rows != [] is faster than len(rows) 0. By the way, you can also do this using (gasp) a control index: def grouprows(rows):

Re: Rounding up to the nearest exact logarithmic decade

2006-02-28 Thread johnzenger
I like Fredrik's solution. If for some reason you are afraid of logarithms, you could also do: x = 4978 decades = [10 ** n for n in xrange(-1,8)] import itertools itertools.ifilter(lambda decade: x decade, decades).next() 1 BTW, are the python-dev guys aware that 10 ** -1 =

Re: how do I factor a number down to one digit?

2006-02-27 Thread johnzenger
Your tools are: 1. map lets you apply a function to every element of a list. Strings are lists. (List comprehensions let you do the same thing, but map is better to use if you are turning in homework). 2. sum lets you calculate the sum of all numbers in a list. 3. val and str let you turn

Re: Regular expression fun. Repeated matching of a group Q

2006-02-24 Thread johnzenger
There's more to re than just sub. How about: sanesplit = re.split(r/tdtd|td|/td, text) date = sanesplit[1] times = times = [time for time in sanesplit if re.match(\d\d:\d\d, time)] ... then date contains the date at the beginning of the line and times contains all your times. --

Re: Regular expression fun. Repeated matching of a group Q

2006-02-24 Thread johnzenger
You can check len(sanesplit) to see how big your list is. If it is 2, then there were no td's, so move on to the next line. It is probably possible to do the whole thing with a regular expression. It is probably not wise to do so. Regular expressions are difficult to read, and, as you