> 1. Do you like Python?
Yes, or I wouldn't still be subscribed to the python-list.
> 2. Do you think Python is good?
Yes. Well it is a good Language. I can code in python
at-least twice as fast as I could in C or C++.
> 3. Do you think Python is real good?
Yeah, if you meant 'very' instead of real. It has alot of
nice features. Combining the best features of many other

> 4. What is your favorite version of Python?
  Have only used 2.4, though I am sure 2.5, once I upgrade
will become my new favorite, assuming it is backwards compatible.

> 5. Because of Python, do you think it will be easier to take over the
> world? If so, when? If not, when?
  No, those who wish to take over the world will do so with mass
weapons of destruction. Though a little computer virus (perhaps
written in Python though probably not), that can't be detected
by a Window's Antivirus may come close.

> 7. How many Z80 assembly language programmers does it take to equal
> one Python guru?
Is 0 * Infinity = 0?
Well really that is different, that is more like comparing
Apples and Orange-PCs. Assembly Lanugage programmers will probably
be coding at a much lower and more efficient manner than Python
programmers who will program at a higher level and get alot
more done in much fewer lines of code. However, the assembly
code can probably do things that Python can't

> Essay: "C++ is better than C", agree or disagree? (four word maximum)
Yes - classes, inheritance, abstraction.

> Bonus: A rabbi walks into a bar while nursing a baby goat. He is
> closely followed by a priest, and a Perl hacker. Explain.

A rabbi enters a bar. At the same time he (or she) is giving milk
to a newly born goat. Shortly after he arrives, a priest and
Perl hacker also enter at the same bar.

> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list


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