Forgot to mention the ease of deployment using Apache (well basically
LAMP) would be a big bonus, just because I trust and am familiar with
Apache. Thanks!
Hi all,
Just wondering which technology would best suit the development of
custom intranets in general, things that may be industry specific would
need to be included (say for an industrial design company the addition
of internal memos and even extrememly business specific apps such as
simple inve
Thanks Rune. I've already checked out Django and TG and have found both
the projects to be a little misguided. I think the one great thing they
have over Rails is the use of SQLObject because the implicit mapping of
data models via the "plural" approach of Rails is a bit of a quirk to
me, I just do
Please let me state off the cuff that I'm not after a big "Python Vs
Ruby" war or anything here! I'm trying to make the switch to Python for
my web development work as I've been using it for quite some time for
other programming work (albeit mainly hobby and personal interest
projects) as I'm getti
That's got it, thanks Steven!
Hi there,
I'm totally new to Python and was wondering why I was getting an error
for this. I'm just trying to create a folder based on user input:
import os
def setupProject(project):
test = input("Please enter project name: ")