Simple regex with whitespaces

2006-09-10 Thread mathieu . malaterre
Hello, I cannot figure out a way to find a regular expression that would match one and only one of these two strings: s1 = ' how are you' s2 = 'hello world how are you' All I could come up with was: patt = re.compile('^[ ]*([A-Za-z]+)[ ]+([A-Za

Re: How to retrieve list of installed module (or gentoo bad installation ?)

2005-09-16 Thread mathieu . malaterre
Yes and it's called python-config... Sorry for the noise. --

How to retrieve list of installed module (or gentoo bad installation ?)

2005-09-16 Thread mathieu . malaterre
Hello, I am trying to build an executable that link against python libraries. If I only link to python lib I get thoses errors(*). This machine is a gentoo AMD64. I installed python by doing 'emerge python' and my USE flags uses 'zlib'. I am wondering if there is a 'python-config' like scrip