On Jul 20, 5:25 pm, "David Adamo Jr." <dtgead...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> On Jul 20, 5:14 pm, Tim Golden <m...@timgolden.me.uk> wrote:
> > mistersexy wrote:
> > > On Jul 20, 3:03 pm, Tim Golden <m...@timgolden.me.uk> wrote:
> > >> mistersexy wrote:
> > >>> I am trying to create a Windows service in Python using pywin32. I do
> > >>> not want this service to run under a user account. I want this service
> > >>> to be able to run as a LocalService, NetworkService and the like. How
> > >>> do I specify this using the win32 library? Thanks, everyone.
> > >> When you "install" the service, using the HandleCommandLine
> > >> option, specify --username= and --password options.
> > >> TJG
> > > That's exactly my point. I do not want to have to specify username and
> > > password options. For instance, when creating a Windows Service
> > > in .NET, it is possible to specify that the service should run using
> > > the LocalService or NetworkService account. Doing this, you would not
> > > need to specify username and password options. Is there a way to
> > > achieve this in Python?
> > Sorry, I misread: I mentally removed the "not" in your 'I do not want
> > this service to run under a user account' and reinserted it
> > further on!
> > By default, the service will run as LocalSystem: you
> > only specify a username to override that default. The value
> > in Username is passed straight through to the CreateService
> > Win32 API, and the docs for that:
> >  http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms682450%28VS.85%29.aspx
> > say:
> > """
> > lpServiceStartName [in, optional]
> >     The name of the account under which the service should run. If the 
> > service type is SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS, use an account name in the form 
> > DomainName\UserName. The service process will be logged on as this user. If 
> > the account belongs to the built-in domain, you can specify .\UserName.
> >     If this parameter is NULL, CreateService uses the LocalSystem account. 
> > If the service type specifies SERVICE_INTERACTIVE_PROCESS, the service must 
> > run in the LocalSystem account.
> >     If this parameter is NT AUTHORITY\LocalService, CreateService uses the 
> > LocalService account. If the parameter is NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService, 
> > CreateService uses the NetworkService account.
> >     A shared process can run as any user.
> >     If the service type is SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER or 
> > SERVICE_FILE_SYSTEM_DRIVER, the name is the driver object name that the 
> > system uses to load the device driver. Specify NULL if the driver is to use 
> > a default object name created by the I/O system.
> >     A service can be configured to use a managed account or a virtual 
> > account. If the service is configured to use a managed service account, the 
> > name is the managed service account name. If the service is configured to 
> > use a virtual account, specify the name as NT SERVICE\ServiceName. For more 
> > information about managed service accounts and virtual accounts, see the 
> > Service Accounts Step-by-Step Guide.
> >         Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003, and 
> > Windows XP/2000:  Managed service accounts and virtual accounts are not 
> > supported until Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2.
> > """
> > So, although I haven't tried it, it looks as though you can pass
> > "LocalService" or "NetworkService" and so on if you want to
> > override the default LocalSystem but don't want to specify a
> > username/password.
> > TJG
> I'll try this stuff. Thanks a million...I'll let everyone know how it
> goes.

I'm finding it hard to install my Python service. When I try to
install the service, this is what I get:

Error Installing Service: Access is Denied. (5)

Event with a correct username and password (I think).
Also, inheriting from the win32serviceutil.Framework class, I do not
see a way to explicitly specify the serviceType. I know some of the
parameters such as the startupType can be specified when installing
the service in the command line, but how are these things specified in
the service code when inheriting from win32serviceutil.Framework
(especially the serviceType).

Does this mean I would have to code my service from scratch without
using win32serviceutil.Framework? Basically, I still can't install my
service using a NetworkService or LocalSystem Account because it still
requires me to specify a username and password. Following Tim Golden's
advice, I'm trying to specify the service type in order to determine
what account to run the service under. Please help!

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