> I rarely do GUIs, and reminded myself today why that is the case
> (simply, it's not fun).
> I implemented a simple TreeCtrl, and had to implement my own 'children'
> method, of all things!
> Here it is:
> def children(self,node):
> c = []
> nc,
> Problem:
> You have a list of unknown length, such as this: list =
> [X,X,X,O,O,O,O]. You want to extract all and only the X's. You know
> the X's are all up front and you know that the item after the last X is
> an O, or that the list ends with an X. There are neve
slogging_away wrote:
> Hi - I'm running Python 2.4.2 (#67, Sep 28 2005, 12:41:11) [MSC v.1310
> 32 bit (Intel)] on win32, and have a script that makes numerous checks
> on text files, (configuration files), so discrepancies can be reported.
> The script works fine but it appears that I may have hi
I believe the while 1: pass is there to keep the main thread alive
until all the readers are done. If you want the program to end after
the readers are done you can append them all to a list then iterate
through and wait for the threads to join()
if __name__=="__main__":
library = Library()
Ok there's a couple things going on here.
> t = text.split('@') // splits the digits/blocks apart from each other
this will give you a list:
['', '7706', '7002', '7075', '7704']
You may want to change the line to skip the first empty value:
t = text.split('@')[1:]
Next your loop.
> something = 1
You can use:
print "" % (number)
print ""
or a number of others, but for short strings one of these two generally
work fine.
See this recent explanation by has:
(The rest of the thread may lead you to more concrete examples as well.)
Not 100% sure why print d gives None but if you need to print something
that represents the instance, use repr
>>> d.__str__
>>> str(d)
>>> repr(d)
>>> print repr(d)
Why isn't __str__ in dir?
>>> dir(d)
['__doc__', '__getattr__', '__init__', '__module__', '__repr__',
'_map', 'accept
Python 2.4 (#60, Nov 30 2004, 11:49:19) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)] on
No problems on Windows 2000 Pro with 512MB of RAM
This script should be a good start:
from ctypes import *
import time
PUL = POINTER(c_ulong)
class KeyBdInput(Structure):
_fields_ = [("wVk", c_ushort),
("wScan", c_ushort),
("dwFlags", c_ulong),
("time", c_ulong),
("dwExtraInfo", PUL)]
Are you looking for this type of thing?
class Test:
value = 900
t = Test()
d['1'] = t
d['2'] = t
d['3'] = t
d['3'].value = 800
The problem seemed to be because I was rebinding result inside
executor. Can someone explain why it works below but not in the first
Also why is it if I set tmp as a global and don't pass it as a
paremeter to the various functions as per the OP that I get an
"UnboundLocalError: local variable
I've been seeing alot about decorators and closures lately and my
initial thought was that this would be a good place to use them instead
of wrapping it around a class. That was my initial thought :) What I
came up with was this:
def execute_once(fn):
result = None
def executor(*args, **k
Hi there,
I have the following simplified classes:
class Project:
def __init__(self,pname):
self.devices = {} # Dictionary of Device objects
self.pname = pname
def setpname(self,pname):
self.pname = pname
def adddevice(self,dname):
I did this a little while ago, there's some setup stuff in here for
sending keyboard commands as well. Coercing the structs into python was
the hardest part. Basically Click(x,y) moves the mouse to the specified
spot on the screen (not window) sends a mouse down followed by mouse up
event then retu
With a list of letters: 'ABAE?S?' your implementation ran 3.5 times
faster than the one from http://blog.vrplumber.com/427 (in 0.437
seconds vs 1.515)
Without wildcards yours runs slightly quicker as well.
I guess with the wildcards, using an re as a quick filter against each
word, versus the tra
Thanks, this worked great, and was 4x faster than my method!
Thanks everyone for replying!
The changes I made were:
!rest = ''.join([chr(i) for i in range(256) if chr(i).upper() not in
!# a wildcard in the word means that we check all letters
!if '?' in WORD:
!rest = ''
First of all thank you very much for the reply. I hope I'm not too
verbose here, just hope that if someone else runs into a similar
problem they can find an answer here.
> This appears to be a Computer Science 101 Data Structures and
> Algorithms question, not a Python question, but here's an answ
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