find the path of a module

2008-09-16 Thread vvangelovski
I'd like to know if I can somehow find the path for a module somewhere in a the package hierarchy for instance if I import my module like so from spam.eggs import sausage my hypothetical method would return something like '/home/developer/projects/spam/eggs/' given that module object. -

URL encoding

2008-03-24 Thread vvangelovski
Is there any method in the standard modules that can perform proper url encoding according to RFC? --

url validator in python

2008-03-19 Thread vvangelovski
How can I check the validity of absolute urls with http scheme? example: ""; -> valid " + Brite_AB_Iframe_URL + " -> invalid --

C extensions question

2008-03-12 Thread vvangelovski
Let's say I write a simple extension in c only for the windows version of my script. Can I just put this compiled dll in the root directory of my application along with the other py files and distribute it like that without the need of an installation script? --