Greetings fellow Pythoneers,

I'm happy to announce that pyOpenSSL 0.14 is now available.

pyOpenSSL is a set of Python bindings for OpenSSL. It includes some low-level cryptography APIs but is primarily focused on providing an API for using the TLS protocol from Python.

Check out the PyPI page (<>) for downloads.

This release of pyOpenSSL adds:

* Support for TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2

* First-class support for PyPy


* Some APIs to access to the SSL session cache

* A variety of bug fixes for error handling cases

Additionally, there are three major changes to the project:

First, the documentation has been converted from LaTeX (CPython's previous documentation system) to Sphinx (CPython's "new" documentation system ;). You can find the new documentation on the PyPI documentation site (<>) or <>).

Second, pyOpenSSL is no longer implemented in C as a collection of extension modules using the Python/C API. Instead, pyOpenSSL is now a pure-Python project with a dependency on a new project, cryptography (<>), which provides (among other things) a cffi-based interface to OpenSSL.

This change means that pyOpenSSL development is now more accessible to Python programmers with little or no experience with C. This is also how pyOpenSSL is now able to support PyPy.

Finally, the project's code hosting has moved from Launchpad to Github. Many branches remain only on Launchpad along with their associated bug reports. Over the coming releases I hope that the fixes and features in these branches will be ported to Python and incorporated into the pyOpenSSL master development branch. Bug tracking has been disabled on Launchpad so that the amount of useful information hosted there can gradually dwindle to nothing. Please use Github (<>) for further development and bug reporting.

Thanks and enjoy,

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