With all that "p"-alliteration, it must be a Pppresentation with the virtual-Auckland branch of NZPUG!

Wed 19 Oct,
1800 for 1830 ~ 2030 NZDT
0500, 0530, and 0730 UTC+13 resp
by web-conference

Nathan Smith had an 'itch' caused by a problem related to the game of Scrabble. Solving a problem with Python, from start-to-finish. A journey of challenges, a lesson of not giving in and hopefully a good story all round. Featuring, steps forwards, brick-walls, data-structures related to words, dictionaries (of both definitions) and Directed Acyclic Word Graphs (DAWG - application of DAG graph/network structures). Plus, a blind person's perspective on coding through the project, presenting overview information on the way a blind person may access code and what similarities or differences may crop up.

Creative Coding With Python: Learn how to code simple visuals in Python for games, innovative stats, simulations and generative art using a flavour of the processing library. This can be incredibly useful for teaching programming, visualising concepts and sharpening thinking skills. This list's own Abdur-Rahman Janhangeer organises the Python Mauritius User Group and FlaskCon* (amongst many other contributions to the Python Community including graphic presentation libraries)
* Flask is a very popular web framework

More info about the group, and to RSVP (and thus receive the meeting URL) see Meetup group at: https://www.meetup.com/nzpug-auckland/events/njdjssydcnbzb/

Regards =dn (Pete and DJ)

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