Thanks Kartic,
Don't know if i have understand everything, but i 'll try using your lights,
To integrate a flash movie using wx, here is a piece of code (the
is auto-generated by
from wxPython.wx import *
import os
if wxPlatform == '__WXMSW__':
The Great 'Exeem' uttered these words on 4/30/2005 11:37 AM:
Thanks for your reply,
I already use the wxPython to embbed my flash animation
from wxPython.lib.activexwrapper import MakeActiveXClass
ActiveXWrapper = MakeActiveXClass(flashActiveXLib.ShockwaveFlash,
eventClass=None, eventO
Thanks for your reply,
I already use the wxPython to embbed my flash animation
from wxPython.lib.activexwrapper import MakeActiveXClass
ActiveXWrapper = MakeActiveXClass(flashActiveXLib.ShockwaveFlash,
eventClass=None, eventObj=self)
Flash = ActiveXWrapper( self, -1, style=wxSUNK
The Great 'Exeem' uttered these words on 4/29/2005 2:11 PM:
Hi All,
I'm trying to find a way to embbed the flash.ocx object in a Windows Python
I've successfully integrated a flash object with the ocx already installed
on the system using the Activex Wrapper,
but i would like to embb
Hi All,
I'm trying to find a way to embbed the flash.ocx object in a Windows Python
I've successfully integrated a flash object with the ocx already installed
on the system using the Activex Wrapper,
but i would like to embbed it inside my application in order to distribute
my app