---------- Original Message -----------
To: John McMonagle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sat, 10 Mar 2007 15:13:20 +0100
Subject: {Possible_Spam} Re: {Possible_Spam} tkinter text editor

> John McMonagle wrote:
> > Gigs_ wrote:
> >> I'm writing text editor.
> >>
> >> How to enable/disable (cut, copy etc.) when text is selected/not 
> >> selected
> >
> >
> > Bind the Button1-ButtonRelease event to a function which checks the 
> > length of the SEL tag of the text widget.  If it is zero length, 
> > disable the appropriate menu entries, if it is non-zero, enable the 
> > appropriate menu entries.
> >
> > Simple example:
> >
> >
> > from Tkinter import *
> > root = Tk()
> >
> > textWidget = Text(root)
> > textWidget.pack()
> >
> > def onButton1Release(event):
> >     if len(textWidget.tag_ranges(SEL)) == 0:
> >         print 'No text selected.  Disable appropriate menu entries'
> >     else:
> >         print 'Some text selected.  Enable appropriate menu entries'
> >
> > textWidget.bind('<Button1-ButtonRelease>', onButton1Release)
> >
> > root.mainloop()
> >
> thx, but what i dont know is how to change state on menu item.
> I dont know how to access that menu item later.
> I know on button like
> B = Button(root)
> B.pack()
> and later i change with B.config(blabla)
> but on menu i have more items like
> M = Menu(root)
> i.add_command(label='one', command=show1)
> i.add_command(label='two', command=show2)
> M.add_cascade(label='File', menu=i)
> how to change item: 'two'

Use the entry config method of the Menu widget:

i.entryconfig('one', state=DISABLED)

Here is some recommended reading:



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