Rodrigo's back! Fresh from his successes at EuroPython...

You are invited to join the next virtual NZPUG Auckland Branch meeting (Wed 20 Sep, 1830~2030 local, ie 0630~0830 UTC)

Learn how to build powerful terminal-based user interfaces (TUIs) with ease using Textual - an open-source Python framework.

Through this tutorial, you'll learn how to use features like Textual's built-in widgets, reactive attributes, and message-passing system, to start developing a simple TODO app that runs directly in your terminal.

About Rodrigo Girão Serrão:

Rodrigo has presented to NZPUG Auckland Branch previously. He speaks frequently at various PyCons (Python Conferences) and other gatherings.

As well as Python, he has been playing with APL, C++, and more.

Combining programming and maths, he describes himself as a mathemagician.

Rodrigo has always been fascinated by problem solving and that is why he picked up programming – so that he could solve more problems.

He also loves sharing knowledge, and that is why he spends so much time writing articles in his blog, writing on Twitter, and giving workshops and courses.

During the week, Rodrigo can be found banging his head against the wall while trying to solve a Textual bug, as he works on Textual full-time.

To RSVP (to receive the meeting-URL) and for more detail:

The Auckland branch of the New Zealand Python Users Group meets twice monthly. You're very welcome to attend online or in-person (as available). Meeting location-details or URL will be sent to those who RSVP.

We are a healthy mix of Python users. Students, academics, hobbyists, industry professionals, and many completely new to Python.

The 'room' opens at 1815 (local time) with an opportunity to network with colleagues. Formal start is 1830. Aiming to finish by 2030.

We are always keen to hear suggestions for meeting-topics, and to meet with folk who'd like to present or lead - eg a brief lightning talk, a practical coaching-session, a full lecture... Help is available if you've never done such a thing before!

We follow the NZPUG Code of Conduct to create an inclusive and friendly environment.

We express thanks to, and encourage you to investigate our sponsors: Catalyst Cloud, New Zealand Open Source Society, JetBrains, and IceHouse Ventures.


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