Hello everyone!

I would like to announce new version of fathom as well as two more
packages built on top fathom. All this code is still very young and
experimental, so it is not supposed to be production ready. However, I
would greatly appreciate any advice or ideas on what could be useful
and what would you expect of those packages.

fathom 0.4.0
Fathom is python 3 library for inspecting database schema. It produces
objective model of all database objects and thus allows easy database
* Indices are top level objects and provide information about index uniqueness
* Procedure objects provide information about arguments for MySQL
* Rather than raise database specific exception library strives to
raise FathomError


This is a separate package with utilities that were earlier in fathom
package. It includes:
* fathom2django which produces django models from database schema and
now handles many to many fields, which makes it better than Django's
* fathom2graphviz which produces graphviz dot files with
entity-relationship diagrams
* utilities for building new tools based on fathom library


QFathom is graphical tool written in python3 and PyQt for inspecting
the database. It is basically a graphical frontend for fathom.


And once again any kind of ideas or comments would be greatly appreciated.

Filip Gruszczyński

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