We needed it, so we wrote it.

Announcing vuLookup.py 1.0

vuLookup.py is a TCP lookup table server for Postfix, written in Python. It 
reads an ini file and uses the values therein to answer requests for virtual 
users, as well as virtual domains.

You can download it here: http://www.eeinternet.com/opensource.html

No warranties are made, but this code has been in production for several
now, so is known to perform its assigned duties.

Comments, questions, critiques welcome!

From a comment on a mailing list:

> I think you should explain the value if this. the basic thing is the
> value compared to a hash map. but depending on how it works, comparison
> with mysql/ldap may be good too.

The main motivation for this was less overhead vs. a database or ldap
solution.  The INI file is very simple, and it is easy for even
non-technical users to understand.  Changes made to the ini file are seen
at the reload interval, no postmap (as root) command required if the ini
file is in a group that has edit permissions.  We are a small shop (about
10 clients, maybe 80 e-mail accounts) and a database or ldap solution would
have been too much work, especially if we went and made an interface for
editing the aliases.

Also, since we are using dspam, we wanted to "resolve" all the aliases
before the messages were sent to dspam (we're using postfix -> dspam ->
postfix) and since the virtualusertable didn't take file arguments for
expansion, it wasn't going to work to put all the entries directly in the
virtualusertable map.  I this system, we've moved pretty much everything
(even stuff that used to be in the "aliases" file) into the
virtualusertable.ini file.

Hope that answers some questions.  If you have any more, feel free to ask!


Joshua Kugler
Lead System Admin -- Senior Programmer
PGP Key: http://pgp.mit.edu/  ID 0xDB26D7CE

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