
(Apologies for cross-posting)

International Journal of Imaging (IJI)

ISSN 0974-0627

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The main aim of the International Journal of Imaging (ISSN 0974-0627)
is to publish refereed, well-written original research articles, and
studies that describe the latest research and developments in the area
of imaging.
This is a broad-based journal covering all branches of imaging, its
application in technology and interdisciplinary research.
International Journal of Imaging (IJI) is a peer-reviewed online
journal and is published in Spring and Autumn i.e. two times a year.
The areas of interest include (but are not limited to):

- Signal and Image Processing,
- Image Acquisition and Calibration,
- Pattern Analysis and Recognition,
- Feature Extraction and Detection,
- Filters, Algorithms, Video Coding and Watermarking,
- Video Processing and Analysis,
- Reconstruction, Restoration, and Enhancement,
- Image Understanding, Registration, Tracking, Segmentation and
- 3D Vision,
- Statistical Imaging & Tomography,
- Face Recognition and Facial Expression Analysis,
- Human-Machine Interfaces,
- Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality,
- Inverse Problem & Imaging,
- Medical Imaging,
- Software Development for Image Processing and Analysis,
- Computer Aided Diagnosis, Surgery, Therapy, and Treatment,
- Computational Bioimaging and Visualization,
- Telemedicine Systems and their Applications, and
- Software Development.

Manuscripts can also be sent to the Editor-in-Chief International
Journal of Imaging, via e-mail (tavares[at]fe.up.pt). Detailed
instructions on how to prepare your manuscript are available at Author
Instructions http://www.ceser.res.in/iji.html.

Sincerely yours,

João Manuel R. S. Tavares
(University of Porto, Portugal)
International Journal of Imaging (IJI)
E-mail: tavares[at]fe.up.pt

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