TLDR; our PUG seeks (speakers or guides). Message contains a range of
Python-related topics requested by attendees.

To follow-up requests from meeting-attendees, herewith a call for
speakers/guides. Would you show us what you've learned, please?

- state transitions/finite state machines
  (pref not all 'math' eg IoT or the usual example of a vending machine)

- working with the web (several, separate, topics):
  - web-scraping
  - building and displaying a web-page, eg flask
  - async versions of the above, eg fastapi
  - accessing APIs, building APIs
  - PyIodide
  - authentication and identity/membership

- working with databases
  - SQL and RDBMS
  - NoSQL, eg MongoDB
  - graph databases
  - coding with inversion of control for flexible choice of I/O

- Python programming
  - Python idioms
  - basic coding techniques and tactics
  - developing from problem to solution
  - practical follow-up to our series on Software Craftsmanship/SOLID
    eg implementing SRP, when to split into functions, classes, modules

We'll be interested to include any other ideas. What excites you?
Perhaps something that has come through the PEP process and was added to
Python 3.n recently?

Other suggested topics at

The Auckland Python Users' Group holds two meetings a month on Wednesday
evenings (NZST). A "Coding Evening" which suits a 'live demo' or 'code
along with me' type of hands-on approach. Also a "Presentation Evening"
which often consists of talk-and-slides. We operate virtually (using
BigBlueButton) - so location is irrelevant, but time-zone differences
may be! Attendees range from 'Apprentices' to 'Python Masters', all keen
to advance in Python. Atmosphere is helpful, humorous, and constructive,
ie thoroughly Kiwi! (more information is available to interested-parties)

What's in it for you? Apart from a solid addition to your CV, and a
burnished record in the Python-community? Any and all help will be given
in putting a talk/tutorial together, and/or making the best use of the
BBB web-conferencing tool.

Please follow-up with Pete and myself - offline from this list.

Regards =dn,
Facilitator and General Factotum to:
Pete Mayes, Benevolent Dictator/Leader for life, of:
NZPUG - Auckland Branch

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