Java and Swing wrote:
> I have some output stored in a string that looks like..
> '\x01\xee\x1eo\xc3+\x8b\x83\xfad\xf6E\xaa\x0ea/I\x96\x83\xf5G\xa3\rQ\xfcH\xee\r'
> According to,, this is
> "Unsigned Hexidecimal (lowercase)". How
It contains non-printing and non-ASCII characters so it can't be
printed lie you want. The best Python can do is to show you
the hexadecimal of those bytes (as it has done). Printable ASCII
characters lie in the range 32 decimal (20 hex) to 125 decimal
(7F hex). Those characters in that range ar
it *is* a string.
because most of the characters are not printable, they're presented using hex
notation when you repr() the string. That's what entering an expression in the
interactive interpreter does (except that it never prints 'None').
If you really want to write whatever those bytes are,
I have some output stored in a string that looks like..
>> x
According to,, this is
"Unsigned Hexidecimal (lowercase)". How can I get this into normal
Ascii so that