Maybe try ReportLab, its pretty much the most advanced Python PDF toolkit
I know of:

> Hi All,
> Greetings,
> I am a newbie in Python, i have a requirement to develop a component in
> python that can "text" water mark the PDF file both digitallly and
> visibly.
> I have already devloped this kind of a component in .Net using iTextSharp
> library. So i know a thing or 2 about water marking :-)
> i also need to able to read back the water mark text that was put in to
> the
> PDF (both digital and visible).
> I looked around on google and found that pyPDF, win32Client etc which may
> be
> the one i will have to use. using neither of them i could put a text and
> hidden text in to the pdf files. Any light thrown in this direction will
> be
> of great help to me. Appcreciate your help with this.
> Thanks
> Subrah
> --


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