Hi all,

what do you see looking at format string syntax https://docs.python.org/3/library/string.html#formatstrings ?

In particular, at something like this:

{h[1].red.jumbo-header:Hello, World!}

Yes, this is syntactically correct statement and if we tweak Formatter methods, we can generate such an output:

<h1 class="red jumbo-header">Hello, World!</h1>

Someone might need a booze to catch sight of arguments and css classes in the source statement, okay: let it be Aligote markup.

Although I haven't implemented HTML rendering yet (my actual needs were reST and Markdown), this does generate plain text and Markdown now.

However, I'm discouraged at the moment. Without nested markup the implementation is very small and nice. With more or less complex formatting, such as nested lists, there's a need to analyse upper level statements and to enforce some rules. Also, there's a pain with indentation, but that's mainly because I was too lazy and based my implementation on previous work instead of writing a better one from scratch.

There are some undefined points such as how to render paragraphs. Use strict {p:text} directive or just split literal text by doubly newlines.

Can't decide whether to cut down all the complexity and revert recursion level to 2 or proceed with rich markup.

Anyway, below is the rendered specification in plain text. Here's the source code https://github.com/declassed-art/clabate/blob/main/clabate/extras/aligote.py and the specification https://github.com/declassed-art/clabate/blob/main/clabate/examples/aligote_spec.py

If this looks funny and you have any crazy ideas what can be added to or changed in the specification, let me know.


Aligote markup specification









{b:bold text}

{i:italic text}

{b:bold and {i:italic} text}

{i:italic and {b:bold} text}

{u:underline text}

{s:strike-through text}

{sub:subscript text}

{sup:superscript text}


{link[optional text]:URL}



{link[Declassed Art]:http://declassed.art}

Rendered as:


Declassed Art (http://declassed.art)


Unordered lists

    {li:item one, can be markup}
    {li:item two
        can be multi-line}

Rendered as:

* item one, can be {b:markup}
* item two
  can be multi-line
* etc

Ordered lists

    {li:item one}
    {li:item two}

Rendered as:

1. item one
2. item two
3. etc

Nested lists

    {li:item one}
    {li:item two}
        {li:item one,
        {li:item two}

Rendered as:

* item one
* item two
    1. item one,
    2. item two
* etc

Optional arguments

XXX Markdown does not support arbitrary numbering, does it?

    {li[3]:item 3}
    {li[5]:item 5
            {li:ordinal is rendered as 5.1}
            {li[3]:ordinal is rendered as 5.3}
            {li[5][5]:ordinal is rendered as 5.5}
            {li: ordinal is rendered as 5.6}

Rendered as:

3. item 3
5. item 5
   5.1. ordinal is rendered as 5.1
   5.3. ordinal is rendered as 5.3
   5.5. ordinal is rendered as 5.5
   5.6. ordinal is rendered as 5.6

Optional argument for unordered list is the bullet character.
Default is `*`:
    {li:item 1}
    {li[+]:item 2}
    {li[-]:item 3}

Rendered as:

* item 1
+ item 2
- item 3


    {li:item one}

    Basically, lists may contain any literal text.
    In terms of python formatting this is not an error,
    but that's not good for rendering.

    {li:item two}

Rendered as:

1. item one

Basically, lists may contain any literal text.
In terms of python formatting this is not an error,
but that's not good for rendering.

2. item two

Syntax highlighting

    print('Hello, world!')

Rendered as:

    print('Hello, world!')

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