"Chris Jones" <cjns1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Intellectually, assembler programming is the less demanding since its
> level of abstraction does not go any further than mapping a few binary
> numbers to a small set of usually well-chosen mnemonics.

This is the surface complexity - it is true that when you write an assembler
statement, you know exactly *what* it is going to do.  The *why*, however,
is not always as obvious, as it entails keeping far more *registers and memory
locations* alive in your mind as you go - and the temptation is great, for
efficiency's sake, to let a series of calls leave their answers *in place*,
for the next call to use:

call this
jc error_handling
call that
jc error_handling
call thenextthing
jc error_handling

This kind of thing is in a way worse than spaghetti, and it is about
the hardest thing to understand that I know of.  It is also fragile,
as you are never sure if you change something, no matter how well
documented your individual routines are, what the effect of a change
somewhere will have somewhere further down the line, as the
parameters are not explicitly named before the calls.  I find higher
level languages a lot easier to read because of this.

You can do the same kind of thing in Python, using globals, and if
there are enough of them, it will be just as hard to follow.

> Unless it features a powerful macro-language that lets the apprentice
> create his own high-level patois on top of the assembler, that is.

This is the fun part of assembly programming - and here again, one
has to exercise restraint, or the "language" becomes baroque.
Used correctly, however, it allows you to generate a lot of
required boilerplate with very few keystrokes.

It is also very useful to create application specific virtual machines
with specialised *instruction sets* which can make solving some
problems a lot easier. - and that is a level of abstraction that is
in a sense orthogonal to the levels of abstraction brought to the
party by a high level language that has a simple von Neumann
machine as it's base assumption.

- Hendrik


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