Hi all

I could not find a mailing list for sqlite3 - hope it is ok to post here.

My problem actually originates with a different problem relating to MS Sql 
Server. Python's datetime.datetime object uses a precision of microseconds. 
Sql Server's DATETIME type only uses a precision of milliseconds. When I try 
to insert a datetime object into a DATETIME column, the microsecond portion 
is rejected, but the rest succeeds, so the object is stored to the nearest 

My current workaround is, instead of inserting the datetime object directly, 
I use the following -

  dtm = dtm.isoformat(sep=' ')[:23]

This converts it to a string, and strips off the last three digits of the 
microseconds, converting them to milliseconds. It is not elegant, but it 

I also use PostgreSQL and sqlite3. I don't want to code different routines 
for each one, so I use the same workaround for all three. It works with 
PostgreSQL, but not with sqlite3. Here is why.

sqlite3/dbapi2.py contains the following -

    def convert_timestamp(val):
        if len(timepart_full) == 2:
            microseconds = int(timepart_full[1])
            microseconds = 0

It assumes that 'timepart_full[1]' is a string containing 6 digits. After my 
workaround, it only contains 3 digits, so it gives the wrong result.

I think that it should right-pad the string with zeroes to bring it up to 6 
digits before converting to an int, like this -

    microseconds = int('{:0<6}'.format(timepart_full[1]))

Any chance of this being accepted?

Frank Millman


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