
thanks for the hints towards Elixir and Storm.

In fact I would have loved to use Modeling 
(http://modeling.sourceforge.net/), as it seems to fulfil all my 
requirements perfectly so far, except the one with the composite keys. 
In particular I like its proximity to EOF (R.I.P.) concerning the basic 
concepts and the notification service. I would like the notification 
service even more if it was possible to send notifications directly 
from PostgreSQL. ;-) Well, maybe that would even be possible using 
PL/Python... :-?

Modeling imho is especially well documented and at a first glance the 
sourcecode seems to be quite comprehensible even to me (unlike 
SQLAlchemy :-( ). The author has stated that composite keys were 
foreseen to be implemented and that the code was already written 
considering this feature.

So I'll maybe even try to "hack" it until it works for my schema, with 
(hopefully) some spoonfeeding by the original author. But in case my 
skills aren't enough to actually make it work, I need a fallback 

Maybe someone could even convince someone else >;-> to implement a 
"plug-in" for Gaphor (or for MetaEdit) for Modeling, so that one could 
generate (and round-trip) nice "colorful and children-suitable" 
diagrams for the CXOs... >:->



Wolfgang Keller


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