On 2010-12-30 12:36:05 -0500, rantingrick said:

On Dec 30, 9:51 am, Kevin Walzer <k...@codebykevin.com> wrote:

Tcl is not a domain-specific language for creating GUI's. Tcl is a
full-featured, general-purpose programming language that is a peer to
Python in its capabilities,

Anybody can gloat and gush about their favorite programming language
however what separates fantasy from reality is evidence of these
"theories". Or rather, Illusions of grandeur!

One: it's "delusions" of grandeur.

and surpasses Python in some respects.

The only thing that Tcl has over Python is building Tk GUI's. Please
post evidence otherwise if you dare! In the meantime i will not be
holding my breath.

Two: were you raised in a barn? How the hell did you get so up on yourself that you think this is an okay way to respond to a perfectly civil post? Abusing people's opinions and soldiering around demanding everyone justify themselves to you is a great way to get people to ignore whatever point you were trying to make.

From your other posts, I gather that you have a very clear idea of what
your ideal Python GUI framework would look like. That puts you in the best possible position to implement it. If you're successful, share it around; if it's good, it will gain traction on its own merit. You're not earning any traction on rhetorical grounds here.



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