
I have run into a serious problem with PyMPI (Python bindings for the Message 
Passing Interface). Unfortunately I can not provide any example code as it is a 
massive program (38,000+ lines) and it is very difficult to break the program 
down due to multiple inheritance.

When I run the program (on multiple nodes), there is a linear increase in time 
per iteration. Every 1,500 iterations, it gains a tenth of a second per 
iteration. I timed different regions of my code which were engaged in messaging 
(broadcasting and gathering) and I found the increase to be in a gather 
statement, much like so


each iteration this single command requires more and more time to pass 
information. I checked the size of IO being sent from every node (including 
root node) and it always remains constant. I also checked the size of the 
IO_list, and it too is always constant. Furthermore, I added a sleep(5) command 
before the line to make sure it was not a synchronization issue. 

Has anyone got any possible ideas as to what could possibly be going wrong? 


Peyman Askari


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