Hi again,

On Fri, May 20, 2005 at 23:38 +0200, holger krekel wrote:
    > The PyPy 0.6 release
> --------------------

has already been superseded by the PyPy 0.6.1 bug-fix release.
We are temporarily not having access to that time machine 
and thus have to fix things the old way, unfortunately.  
But we are working on improving this situation.

The bug is trivial enough: py.py crashes on string formatting
the second time you run it. You can find the fixed packages
and svn-locations here:
    Getting started: 

have fun & sorry for the inconvenience,

    holger krekel

> *The PyPy Development Team is happy to announce the first 
> public release of PyPy after two years of spare-time and
> half a year of EU funded development.  The 0.6 release 
> is eminently a preview release.*  
> What it is and where to start 
> -----------------------------
> Getting started:    
> http://codespeak.net/pypy/index.cgi?doc/getting_started.html
> PyPy Documentation: http://codespeak.net/pypy/index.cgi?doc
> PyPy Homepage:      http://codespeak.net/pypy/
> PyPy is a MIT-licensed reimplementation of Python written in
> Python itself.  The long term goals are an implementation that
> is flexible and easy to experiment with and retarget to
> different platforms (also non-C ones) and such that high
> performance can be achieved through high-level implementations
> of dynamic optimisation techniques.
> The interpreter and object model implementations shipped with 0.6 can
> be run on top of CPython and implement the core language features of
> Python as of CPython 2.3.  PyPy passes around 90% of the Python language
> regression tests that do not depend deeply on C-extensions.  Some of
> that functionality is still made available by PyPy piggy-backing on
> the host CPython interpreter.  Double interpretation and abstractions
> in the code-base make it so that PyPy running on CPython is quite slow
> (around 2000x slower than CPython ), this is expected.  
> This release is intended for people that want to look and get a feel
> into what we are doing, playing with interpreter and perusing the
> codebase.  Possibly to join in the fun and efforts.
> Interesting bits and highlights
> ---------------------------------
> The release is also a snap-shot of our ongoing efforts towards 
> low-level translation and experimenting with unique features. 
> * By default, PyPy is a Python version that works completely with
>   new-style-classes semantics.  However, support for old-style classes
>   is still available.  Implementations, mostly as user-level code, of
>   their metaclass and instance object are included and can be re-made
>   the default with the ``--oldstyle`` option.
> * In PyPy, bytecode interpretation and object manipulations 
>   are well separated between a bytecode interpreter and an 
>   *object space* which implements operations on objects. 
>   PyPy comes with experimental object spaces augmenting the
>   standard one through delegation:
>   * an experimental object space that does extensive tracing of
>     bytecode and object operations;
>   * the 'thunk' object space that implements lazy values and a 'become'
>     operation that can exchange object identities.
>   These spaces already give a glimpse in the flexibility potential of
>   PyPy.  See demo/fibonacci.py and demo/sharedref.py for examples
>   about the 'thunk' object space.
> * The 0.6 release also contains a snapshot of our translation-efforts 
>   to lower level languages.  For that we have developed an
>   annotator which is capable of infering type information
>   across our code base.  The annotator right now is already
>   capable of successfully type annotating basically *all* of
>   PyPy code-base, and is included with 0.6.  
> * From type annotated code, low-level code needs to be generated.
>   Backends for various targets (C, LLVM,...) are included; they are
>   all somehow incomplete and have been and are quite in flux. What is
>   shipped with 0.6 is able to deal with more or less small/medium examples.
> Ongoing work and near term goals
> ---------------------------------
> Generating low-level code is the main area we are hammering on in the
> next months; our plan is to produce a PyPy version in August/September 
> that does not need to be interpreted by CPython anymore and will 
> thus run considerably faster than the 0.6 preview release. 
> PyPy has been a community effort from the start and it would
> not have got that far without the coding and feedback support
> from numerous people.   Please feel free to give feedback and 
> raise questions. 
>     contact points: http://codespeak.net/pypy/index.cgi?contact
>     contributor list: 
> http://codespeak.net/pypy/index.cgi?doc/contributor.html 
> have fun, 
>     Armin Rigo, Samuele Pedroni, 
>     Holger Krekel, Christian Tismer, 
>     Carl Friedrich Bolz 
>     PyPy development and activities happen as an open source project  
>     and with the support of a consortium funded by a two year EU IST 
>     research grant. Here is a list of partners of the EU project: 
>         Heinrich-Heine University (Germany), AB Strakt (Sweden)
>         merlinux GmbH (Germany), tismerysoft GmbH(Germany) 
>         Logilab Paris (France), DFKI GmbH (Germany)
>         ChangeMaker (Sweden)
> -- 
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

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