This worked perfectly.   Thank You

Where, exactly in the script would I place the " print str(e)  " ?

The line after the print site + " is down" line.

Original Post :

I'm not really receiving an "exception" other than those three sites, out
of the 30 or so I have listed, are the only sites which show "is down" at
the end of that line specifying the site.

Where " # " has been substituted for our domain name........
<https://my./>* is
* is down*<http://sharepoint./>
* is down*

> So I'm using the following script to check our sites to make sure they are
> all up and some of them are reporting they are "down" when, in fact, they
> are actually up.   These sites do not require a logon in order for the
> page to come up.  Could this be due to some port being blocked internally
> Only one of the sites reporting as down is "https" but all are internal
> sites.  Is there some other component I should be including in the script
> There are about 30 or 40 sites that I have listed in all.  I just use
> in the following script as examples.   Thanks
> import urllib
> sites = ["";, "
> etc.]
> for site in sites:
>     try:
>         urllib.urlopen(site)
>         print site + " "
>     except Exception, e:
>         print site + " is down"

In the handler print out the exception you are getting.

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