Re: Doubt with files

2017-02-14 Thread Peter Pearson
On Tue, 14 Feb 2017 09:13:48 -0800 (PST), José Manuel Suárez Sierra wrote: > hello, > im trying to read a rtf or txt file with this python script: > > with open(dirFichero,'r') as reader: > for line in reader: > print line > > the problem is that shown is : [suppressing blank lines]

Re: Doubt with files

2017-02-14 Thread boB Stepp
On Tue, Feb 14, 2017 at 11:31 AM, Joaquin Alzola wrote: > >>with open(dirFichero,'r') as reader: > > for line in reader: > > print line >> >>the problem is that shown is : >>{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1504\cocoasubrtf810 >>{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0

Re: Doubt with files

2017-02-14 Thread boB Stepp
On Tue, Feb 14, 2017 at 11:13 AM, José Manuel Suárez Sierra wrote: > hello, > im trying to read a rtf or txt file with this python script: > > with open(dirFichero,'r') as reader: > for line in reader: > print line > > the problem is that shown is : > >

RE: Doubt with files

2017-02-14 Thread Joaquin Alzola
>with open(dirFichero,'r') as reader: > for line in reader: > print line > >the problem is that shown is : >{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1504\cocoasubrtf810 >{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} >{\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} >{\*\expandedcolortbl;;}