Spring Python, the python version of the Spring Framework, has just
released version 0.7.1. This patch includes integration with S3,
Spring's new service used to distribute binaries.

Key Features of Spring Python include:
    * Inversion Of Control - The idea is to decouple two classes at
the interface level. This lets you build many reusable parts in your
software, and your whole application becomes more pluggable. You can
use either
the XmlApplicationContext or the DecoratorBasedApplicationContext.
    * Aspect-oriented Programming - Spring Python provides great ways
to wrap advice around objects. It is utilized for remoting. Another
use is for debug tracers and performance tracing.
    * DatabaseTemplate - Reading from the database requires a
monotonous cycle of opening cursors, reading rows, and closing
cursors, along with exception handlers. With this template class, all
you need is
the SQL query and row-handling function. Spring Python does the rest.
    * Database Transactions - Wrapping multiple database calls with
transactions can make your code hard to read. This module provides
multiple ways to define transactions without making things
    * Security - Plugin security interceptors to lock down access to
your methods, utilizing both authentication and domain authorization.
    * Remoting - It is easy to convert your local application into a
distributed one. If you have already built your client and server
pieces using the IoC container, then going from local to distributed
is just a configuration
    * Samples - to help demonstrate various features of Spring Python,
some sample applications have been created:
          o PetClinic - Everybody's favorite Spring sample application
has been rebuilt from the ground up using various web containers
including: CherryPy. Go check it out for an example of how to use this
          o Spring Wiki - Wikis are powerful ways to store and manage
content, so we created a simple one as a demo!
          o Spring Bot - Use Spring Python to build a tiny bot to
manage the IRC channel of your open source project.

    * For more information, please visit the website at
    * Framework download at
    * Sample applications at
    * For general browsing of Spring Python releases, visit

Release Notes - Spring Python - Version 0.7.1

** Improvement
    * [SESPRINGPYTHONPY-59] - Integrate Spring Python publishing with
Amazon S3
    * [SESPRINGPYTHONPY-73] - Clean up reference documentation based
on new APIs
since scrubbing

** Refactoring
    * [SESPRINGPYTHONPY-74] - Update core container interface to bring
in line with
Python standard style guide.

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