Hey all, it's Google Summer of Code time again! PSF Sub-org
applications are due
Febuary 4th so if your project could use some student code this year get moving!

If your project is involved with python and you would be willing to
mentor students
this summer email gsoc-admins at python.org
<https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-dev> so we can make
sure to get your
project on the list. All projects using python are welcome!

We need a good set of sub-organisations and ideas by Feb 4 for our application,
and then if we're accepted by Google, we can add a few other ideas up until
Feb 28 or so.

For those not familiar with it, Google Summer of Code is a mentoring
program where Google provides stipends to pay students to work with
selected open source organizations. PSF has participated for many
years now, and we're hoping to be selected to participate again.

The PSF GSoC page is http://python-gsoc.org/

That has contact information and answers to questions like "what does it
take to be a mentor?" and please feel free to ask if there's more you
want to know!

Thank you!

Matthew Lagoe

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